Chapter 5

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I screamed in horror, and backed away quickly.

Jessie put her hands on my shoulders. "It's ok. He can't hurt you. Look, no eyes, no teeth, no fingers." She pointed out.

"What.. happened to it?" I asked.

"Hey! Get away from him!" A man with an Australian accent shouted angrily.

"He's under The Messiah's protection." Another man, with long black hair stated.

"We come in peace, we mean no harm." Jessie said calmly.

"Jessie? Jessie Sinclair?" The man with black hair asked.

"Hi Seth. This is my sister Arianna." Jessie introduced.

"What are you doing here?" Seth asked.

"Just passing through and paying my respects." Jessie responded

"My sisters never been outside the fence before, I'm teaching her the ways of the world out here."

"Did you plan to harm Old Kevin? One of Lazarus's children?" Seth asked.

"Lazarus's what now?" I asked, confused.

"The name comes from Lazarus of Bethany, Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus." Jessie said.

"Kevin was one of yours, a good man. What happened to him?" Jessie asked.

"Kevin died doing God's work. After he rose he was tortured and maimed." Seth said.

"By who? Who would do something like that?" I asked with slight disgust.

"By bounty hunters, who else? They're heartless." The Australian man said.

"What are you talking about? The bounty hunters I know are heroes. They protect us." I said.

"She's pretty but not very smart is she?" The Australian man chuckled.

"Young lady, Kevin is one of many who have been tortured out here, men, women and children with their eyes gouged out, teeth pulled, faces shot off, chopped off arms, and legs. And other stuff too terrible to mention." Seth said.

"That's awful, but the bounty hunters I know wouldn't do that. Tamina, Naomi, they're good women. They protect our town." I said.

"Tamina Superfly Snuka? We don't say her name around here." The Australian man said with disgust.

"I apologize. Ari has met.. that woman, she's heard her stories about hunting. But she's just a child, she doesn't understand yet." Jessie said.

"Kevin" started to groan.

"You both need to leave right now, you're agitating Kevin." The Australian man said.

"Fine by me, you people are fucking crazy. You don't like bounty hunters, you protect these fucking zombies-"

"We don't use that term here!" The Australian man interrupted. "They're the living dead! The Children of Lazarus!"

"They may be friends of yours Jessie, but not mine. I'm out of here." I said before storming off.

"I'm sorry Ari mentioned that woman's name. I brought her out here to learn how things really are. I haven't taken her to Garden Springs yet. You understand?" Jessie said.

"While I can't approve of what you do, Jessie, I do understand why you do it. More importantly, I know how you do it." Seth said.

"Your intentions are different than others. Especially that.. woman."

"May God go with you, and before you and within you. May he protect you and your sister's hearts out in this world."


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