Chapter 7

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A/N: for now on book will be in third person

"Jessie look out!" Arianna cried. With lightning speed, Jessie grabbed the zoms' arm, and flipped it onto it's stomach.

Jessie pinned the zombie to the ground, and grabbed some rope from her jacket.

"Ari, close the front door!" Jessie yelled.

But Arianna didn't move, she was in shock because of what she just saw.

"Ari, door.. now!" Jessie snapped.

"Right.. sorry!" Arianna snapped out of her shocked state and went to go close the door. As she ran to the door, she saw 4 zoms coming towards her. She slammed the door shut.

"Uh.. I think they heard me." Arianna said meekly.

"No.. really?" Jessie said sarcastically as she tied the zoms hands together.

Jessie cut another piece of rope and tied the zoms' jaw shut.

"I appreciate the warning kiddo, but I had this." Jessie said.

"You.. you just.." Ariana stuttered.

"Lots of practice Ari, ya mind checking the window for me." Jessie said.

Arianna looked out the window and gasped.

"Holy shit!" She said.

"What? How many are out there?" Jessie asked.

"I count nine." Arianna said. "Fuck." Jessie muttered.

"Should we board up the windows?" Arianna asked.

"No, hammering nails is like ringing a dinner bell." Jessie said like it was obvious.

"But.. we're trapped." Arianna said worriedly.

"No we're not, there's always a backdoor or window. We'll finish our business and sneak out quietly." Jessie said.

"Alright, come help me lift him up." Jessie said

"Huh... what?" Arianna said.
"Calm down, he can't hurt you. He's tied up, and his jaws are tied shut. Stop being a wimp." Jessie said

"I'm not a wimp." Arianna said stubbornly.

She walked over and carried him by his shoulders, while Jessie had his legs.

"Huh.. he's lighter than I thought he'd be." Arianna said.

"They lose weight as they decay. Set him down gently in the chair." Jessie said.

The two set the zom down in the chair, and Jessie tied him up.

"What do we do with him.. I mean after we.. quiet him." Arianna asked slowly.

"Nothing. We leave him here." Jessie said.

"But.. shouldn't we bury him?" Arianna asked.

"Ari, the whole world is a graveyard. But this is Hunter's home." Jessie responded.

"Would you rather be stuffed in a box under the cold hard ground (A/N: OHHH, OHHH, TROUBLE TROUBLE TROUBLE. Sorry I had to) or in a place where you were happy and loved?" Jessie asked.

"Well.. when you put it that way.. home." Arianna answered.

"Restraining the dead is hard, but not the hardest part." Jessie said as she pulled a piece of paper from her jacket.

"This is." She said, showing Ari the paper.

"The clients who hire me to do this, they normally want something said. Things they want to say themselves, but can't." Jessie continued.

"Things they say so they can have closure. I'm going to read it out loud, ok?" Jessie said. Arianna nodded.

"My dear Hunter, I love you and miss you, I've missed you all these years. I still dream about you every night, and pray you've found peace. I forgive you for what you tried to do to me, I forgive you for what you tried to do to the kids. I understand it wasn't you. It was this.. thing that happened. I want you to know that I took care of our children when they turned, they are at peace. I put flowers on their grave every Sunday, I know you'd love that. I've asked Jessie Sinclair to find you, she's a good woman, and I know she'll be gentle with you. I love you Hunter. May God grant you his peace. I know that you will be waiting for me when my time comes. You and the children. I will love you forever. Yours forever, Stephanie."
By the time Jessie finished she had a tear going down her cheek.

Arianna started to tear up as well. Jessie saw this and pulled her in for a hug.

After awhile, Jessie let go, and pulled out a knife, and walked over to Hunter.

"You can look away Ari." Jessie said.

Jessie put the knife to his neck, what she calls the "Sweet Spot." And quieted Hunter.

"Be at peace." Jessie said, and turned to Arianna.

"This is what I do Ari. This is my job. The question is.. can you handle it as yours?"

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