Chapter two: Easy Come, Easy Go

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I make my way to the pedestal, adjusting my suit I stand infront of a crowd of people, some people even sitting on their balconies, waiting for the news. I tap the microphone, just to test,

— Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you've all been waiting weeks for the results of your votes, we have taken the time to tally them and today is the day where we will announce your new president.

I speak, some whispers exchanging from person to person in the audience, I look down at my script before another sentence escapes my lips.

— I would like to announce, the new mayor of Nethilor, Enoch Anderson!

I say enthusiastically, but I am feeling the complete opposite of that emotion, fear.. disgust even as I back away from the microphone, the man himself walks up. Sleek brown hair, he was extremely tall for his age of only 23, and being this close to him, I understand why people voted this imbecile.
But looks aren't everything, you learn that the hard way in this world,

— Thank you all for showing your beautiful faces to this election! I am honoured to be the president of Nethilor, this town is everything to me, and I am so glad to be here.

Enoch started his speech, but I could care less, it all just becomes distant talking in the background as I stared into the crowd with a mindless smile,

— I do wish all of you will follow through with the regulations, curfew and laws of this town, I know resources have been cut short recently, but do not worry, markets will be restocked soon!

Regulations.. curfew? When was there a curfew in Nethilor? Now I really wish I was paying more attention because there is no way there's a mandatory curfew now, is there?
As Enoch walks down from the pedestal, I take potentially my only chance, and go after him.

— Mr president sir, I have a few questions about your speech.

Mr. Anderson turns to face me, many others already crowding him,

— I'm sorry, Sparrow but I'm afraid you will have to come talk to me in my office later on. I am far too busy at the minute.

He answers, disappointment running through me, later on probably meant tomorrow, maybe even the next day. Well no matter, I could wait that long anyhow, I turn and make my way down the now quiet halls, it seems everyone is too busy following after the new mayor that no one was stupid enough to act like me and wander off alone, especially when it was beginning to get dark. Nethilor may seem harmless at first glance, but crime can take place here.. and it's often.
Especially from a specific team made up of about five or six people, it could be more.. they do not live in Nethilor at all, outsiders. Exiled from the town for commiting illegal actions or were warned more then ten times, an advisors worst nightmare is to be exiled. Luckily it was rare among most of us, and no one would dare even talk back to the mayor.

As I make my exit of the White House, everything is silent outside, night falls quickly now that winter is approaching, food is more scarce and people just seem more angry in general.
I have always been curious of what's outside the walls of Nethilor, I've been enclosed inside all my life, apparently there's threats outside much bigger than you can imagine. Or at least, that's what my mother always told me,
Unfortunately there are guards protecting every inch of the gargantuan wall, so no one is allowed in or out without a special permit.
It makes me wonder what really lies beyond those large stone fences keeping us all cooped up like chickens, what is the rest of the world hiding?

I am now standing infront of the gate to leave Nethilor, guards stare back at me as he shake my head.

— Do not worry, I'm just taking a look.

I call to them, reassuring them and myself, I wouldn't want guards to suddenly attack because they thought I was going to try and break for it.
They do not say a word as a reply, which I find odd. But of course I wasn't going to question it, I gaze upwards. The moon high into the air, just as I squint my eyes, I could've sworn I saw a silhouette of a person..

— No, I'm sure it was nothing.

I calm myself, I would not be in the mood to have an adrenaline rush at about midnight, that would ruin the rest of the day for me and others as well.
I turn my head solemnly, was everyone just alright with staying in these walls their whole life? It didn't seem healthy, it wasn't humane either, my eyes fixate onto my shoes as I regain my composure and realize it must be past 1 AM, faint flashbacks of Enoch rambling on about a curfew. Well I knew it definitely wasn't past 11 PM, my feet started sprinting without my command, I needed to get back before anyone else saw me.

My breathing is heavy when I make it to the main entrance of the White House, I open the door and walk inside to see the secretary, giving me a rather disappointed expression,

— Mr. North, I see you're late.

She says, well, it was nice being Vice President, I knew I was in deep water now, I would have to tread carefully.

— Hello, Anastasia.. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I had completely forgotten about the curfew Mr. Anderson had announced earlier today, I sincerely apologize.

I shut my eyes tightly, when I opened them, I am surprised to see that Anastasia had a more calm face, but my apology didn't seem to work, it was clear from the following words that left her mouth.

— That's one strike, Sparrow.

She said sternly, her heels stomping against the hard floor as she walked away, moonlight crashing against me as I fill with emotion. My first strike, no one has been warned like this for years, why did I ever sign up for this career. Being Vice President? What was I thinking?
I rush back to my room with embarrassment following close behind, even if everyone was fast asleep, I still felt like everyone's eyes were solely on me.

My first strike and it only gets worse, as Enoch and the rest of the advisors conspire against me, I just get more and more outnumbered, there luck must surely run out soon enough, right?

Nethilor The Land Of Legends Book One: NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now