Chapter seven: Endless

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After the scarring experience of that vision I had so clearly seen.
I knew I had to tread more carefully this time 'round, instead of blindly finding my way through the forest, I decided to try and decipher where my positioning was by climbing a tree, as I did so, I listened. Using all my senses, I've become even more paranoid than I already was.

I clambered my way to the top with a grunt, and looked out upon the canopy, but all I was met with was thick, humid air and more greenery, for miles upon miles. I turned in another direction, it was the same result, I started to lose any hope I had left, before my eyes spotted a clearing in the trees, only a few kilometers away it seemed.
I could make it there in a few hours, I just needed to hurry before night fell. I don't want that dream to become a reality.
I slid down the tree with a bit of a struggle, plopping back onto the ground and heading right towards my destination. I just want to get back to Nethilor.
Even though it was a horrible place, it was better than some sort of unruly jungle with peculiar creatures that want to eat your guts. I shivered at the thought and continued on my journey, stepping over logs, leaves, anything on the ground, sure. I was being a bit too cautious, but I didn't want to get ambushed by another stripey monster.

I let my thoughts wander, and one came across my mind that made me halt, was there other people from my village here? Also taken against their will? I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding in, and started walking again, this time faster, I didn't want to think about it anymore and I tried to keep my mind at bay from the questions that had been clawing away at me, eating away at me. At least one of them had been answered:
What lies beyond the walls of Nethilor?
Well, I definitely know, and I am ready to go back, there was no way I was spending another slow, painful, hour, or minute, or second in this place when I could be suffering even more back at the White House, but at least there I had some goddamn shelter!
I let out a deep breath, and relaxed, just speeding up my pace into a slow jog. I was speaking the truth when I said I wanted to get away from this place. And that grassland was my ticket out.

I did keep my thinking at bay.. for about ten minutes, before I was back to daydreaming, it was something that helped me cope in situations like this. A bad habit, or at least that's what everyone else says, I ignore them the best I can. Of course, I have a reputation and need to uphold that so when people see me doze off in the broad sunlight, they will question it and I don't blame them.
I almost shed a smile when a thought of my friend crosses my mind, he was kind. Definitely acted much older for his age. But that memory turned sour as I reminisced about his execution, at only 16 he was killed just for disobeying the White House, it's inhumane how they would do that, to someone younger than 20. No one deserves to get executed, especially in front of an entire town.
But it's a daily reminder to oblige their every command, or you'll pay the consequences, and I understand that to the fullest and I make sure everyday his death wasn't in vain.

At that moment I actually felt a strong feeling of aggravation. I've always held a grudge against the government in my village, but after I start to think about it more deeply, I am just now seeing the bigger picture. People die daily, just for pure entertainment sometimes, and yet I haven't done a single thing to stop it. Fear, most likely, of course I'd get killed as well if I dared to interfere, anyone would, so we're forced to watch. Outnumbered by people who call themselves better than us. It's humiliating, unhealthy, and I was actually starting to change my mind about going back. I would have to scrounge around for food and survive here on my own in the middle of nowhere. But was it really worth going back to Nethilor? They say home is where the heart is, but.. I never feel safe in that place, the constant paranoia, anxiety, pain, abuse. The list goes on and will never stop unless someone steps in.
And I wasn't sure if I was willing to take that responsibility, no one was. That's why we've been suffering for so long. Maybe I would be better off by myself.

My stomach growls as I make it further into the trees and closer to the grassland, even after all those dreaded thoughts, I still wasn't ready to live here, and wanted to go back, even if it pained me to do so.
The thick bushes grew to smaller sizes, the trees dwindled down. And I've made it to where I needed to be, as I look around, I see the dark, stone walls of Nethilor in the distance, you couldn't miss them as I sprint, running for my life it seemed. Finally, I could go back, with the realization something more sinister was going on with the government, maybe I could act on it once I returned.

I felt lightheaded, assuming it was because I was using too much energy I slowed down, but that feeling slowly turned into borderline dizziness, almost an intoxicating daze, this was becoming too much, the sunlight was blaring down on me now without the protection of the leaves. Was I getting heatstroke? Usually you only get that after a few hours outside, I am just approaching the walls of Nethilor, seeing the gate as I fall to my knees, weak and useless.

— Open the gates, let me back inside!

I yell, a cry for help, but there isn't a response, was no one guarding it? That must be a fault, I blink. Reach out my hand to grab the wall, until I fall to the ground with a thump.

No, this couldn't be happening, I find myself sitting up. The same place again, I stand. Everything was normal, the trees, the wind blowing, but it was all false. This wasn't real, I didn't believe it was real, everytime something bad has happened.
I scream, I yell my heart out, but I get no answer to my questions of why I'm here, what I'm supposed to do, or what I even can do.
I'm trapped, an endless cycle of repeat, repeat, repeat.
I feel like I'm back in Nethilor. The same thing everyday.
Until I die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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Nethilor The Land Of Legends Book One: NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now