Chapter three: Shattered

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Another day in this miserable place, perhaps I should just leave the White House, I could quit this agitating job. But where would I go? There is nowhere to hide when we're stuck inside a pen, I'm not even sure the most respected people have seen the outside world.
For now, I try to stay positive and be productive, since it was now Sunday, most of the White House would be quiet, calm, yes calm for once. As I leave my designated room, I brush a slender hand through my ruffled hair, I always wished for blonde locks but I was born with more a brown colour. Which I was fine with.

I keep my head down, I remember yesterday and how Anastasia the secretary had shut me down for being out at night when there is a newly added curfew, I still didn't understand. Why did we need to stay inside at nighttime, was something happening we were unaware of?

I hear loud talking, I raise my head to see a few people surrounding someone, I instantly walk over with curiousity, something must be taking place.

— Excuse me, yes, sorry.

I push past the small group, the person that everyone seemed excited to converse with was Infact with the secretary. I immediately tense up to see it was Mr. Enoch Anderson, the newly announced president of Nethilor.
He turns and looks me up and down before speaking,
— Ah yes, Sparrow, I'm deeply sorry about the other day, I was far too busy to talk, I'm looking forward to working with you.
He reaches out his hand to shake, I take it.

— Of course, Mr Anderson, I'll do my best to aide you in any occasion.

The secretary speaks up, grabbing both mine and the mayor's attention.

— Sparrow is not as nice as he seems, he was late for the curfew by two hours.
— I am aware of that, Anastasia, but I needn't think you should be so harsh on him.

For a moment, hope fills my heart, was Mr. Anderson not as bad as he seemed? Maybe this wasn't as horrible as I originally thought.

— A mere punishment will be enough for him, of course if he does it again it will result in a more rash consequence.

My heart shatters and my hope dwindles away, I knew it, I shouldn't have gotten positive about this situation, it was all negative, although I was severely worried about what Enoch had meant by "more rash consequence." What could be worse than a strike? I didn't want to find out, I should play it safer from now on.

I catch a glimpse of Anastasia's face turning to a smile before nodding, this wasn't good, it really wasn't.
— That can be arranged, he won't do it again I'm sure.

— I won't. I am much more aware of the curfew now, Mr. Anderson.

I reply quickly, I wouldn't want anyone to get angered at me. Enoch was new here though, so I could potentially try to befriend him, or at least get on his good side so I don't end up like the other exiled advisor's.

— I'm sure you will, Sparrow, now come with me. I understand you had some questions about my speech the other day.

The president spoke as my head automatically nodded.

— Yes, I did.

Enoch turns the other direction and leads me through the long, almost neverending halls, our feet click against the marble floors as we travel in silence.

— Things must get busy during the days, hmm?

The sudden voice startles me but I nod quickly.

— Yes, president sir. Many papers to sign, regulations, but I will guide you through it once tomorrow comes.

I say, Mr. Anderson chuckling before he responds.

— You seem very productive, I'm glad.

Was all he said before we approach the office that belonged to former mayor Cassius.. I definitely prefered him over Enoch. He was much kinder towards the staff members.

— Please take a seat,

I do so, sitting down with my shoulders tensed.

— Ask away, Sparrow.

— Oh yes.. my bad, I just wanted to ask. When has there ever been a curfew in Nethilor? It seems unnecessary in my opinion.

The president gives me a stern look,

— The newly added curfew is mandatory, and will stay like that while I am here. Ever since that first attack we had from the Outsiders, it is no longer safe to traverse from place to place past midnight.

The Outsiders, he must be talking about the exiled people from Nethilor. They would harass this town every month or two, so guards have been more strict lately.

— Of course, Mr. Anderson, I understand.

— Good.. good, did you have any other questions to ask me, or was that all you needed, Sparrow?

— No. That was all Mr. Anderson.

He nods affirmatively, I stood but Enoch countered me by getting up from his seat as well.

— Did I say you were dismissed?

— No.. no, I apologize.

I let out a nervous breath, it escapes my lips as the mayor speaks coldly.

— Since you have recently broken one of the laws of Nethilor, I am forced to keep you within the White House for the next week.

My jaw almost drops, a whole week of staying inside? This was too harsh wasn't it? It was just one time, but I knew I couldn't deny or talk back or else it might get worse.

— Yes.. president sir. I am deeply sorry for breaking the regulations and it will not happen again.

— Good, I hope you take this as a lesson, Sparrow. You are free to leave.

I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding in, I hastily exit the mayor's office. I couldn't believe what I had just heard, as I make my way back to my room, I feel horrible.

Sadly, my story just worsens with each day that passes, the Outsiders are planning something much bigger than anyone could even imagine, and with Enoch Anderson in charge of Nethilor, I start to lose any hope I had left.

Nethilor The Land Of Legends Book One: NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now