Chapter four: Seasons Change

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I feel my ears ring, before my eyes shoot open, the first thing I'm greeted with is the sound of loud footsteps out my door, I sit up and hold my hair, a throbbing headache piercing through my thoughts, in times like this I had trouble controlling my morals.
I luckily manage to stand and wobble my way to the door and open it, looking down the halls, I didn't see anyone.

I make my way down the empty hallway, seeing a few open doors before I turn. My eyes catch a glimpse of someone,

— Hey, stop before I call the authorities!

I yell, but they don't stop, I wasn't in the mood to have a wild goose chase but whoever this was, was clearly intruding.
I speed up the pace until I'm running, making hast while following after the person, I falter resulting in the worst possibility, I fall. Fortunately I catch myself with my hands, I attempt to get up fast. But by the time I get back to my feet, they're gone.
I curse and shake my head, whatever they were doing it probably wasn't good, I let everyone down like I always do.
It must be at least 3 AM in the morning, I should go back to sleep before anyone finds me, I look like a wreck after rushing after that unknown figure.

I roll over, it must be morning by now, right? Well. It didn't matter, the earlier I woke up, the better, in my opinion it was much more peaceful when it was only 5 AM or 6 AM, there wasn't a busy crowd in the halls at all times, I could actually have some breathing space.
I grumble as I stand from my extremely uncomfortable mattress, I should request something a bit more.. soft. It felt like I was sleeping on a stone brick every night, although it might be a horrible idea, Mr. Anderson could easily get mad at me for asking such a thing after yesterday, I suppose I should just deal with the bed and get on with my day instead of sulking.

I take a quick glance at myself in the mirror. Adjusting my hair to look decent, brushing off my uniform, polishing my outfit off before I make my exit from my room and walk down the still silent hallways, it must be very early, as I expected.
I incline my head to the side, gazing longingly outside. To my surprise, I see small flecks of snow begin to fall, winter was finally here, and it was only the middle of November.

I walk down the halls, I open the door to the president's office and see Mr. Anderson sitting in his chair, scribbling down on a piece of paper. It seems he was mad, maybe this wasn't the time.

— Ah, Sparrow. Come in, I was in the mood to hear good news.

My face scrunches up, this was definitely not a good time.

— Oh, yes.. about that, I bring news, sir. But I'm not sure if they're good.

— Oh please, they can't be that horrible.

My heart begins to race, pumping faster as I think about all the possibilities of threats, or insults, maybe even punishments for telling Enoch the news.

— I saw someone last night, they had broken into the White House and it appears they have stolen something from your room.

I speak hesitantly, the mayor's face melts away, replacing with pure hatred as he stands. I could tell he was trying to stay collected in this situation, but he was seriously angered now.

— I appreciate you telling me, Sparrow. May I have a minute of peace.

He says, I quickly scurry out of the office and shut the door slowly. Letting out a deep breath.
As I rush off, I hear the office door open and Mr. Anderson gaining behind me,

— Sparrow, tell the guards to search the town, I refuse to let whoever that was get away!

He screams, my body flinches and I nod, I continue to stomp through the hard marbled halls, making my way out of the White House, still in my suit and everything. I could not be bothered to wear proper winter gear, I would only be a few minutes anyway.

I speed down the bustling streets, all the way down to the Guard Barracks, I slam open the door and speak.

— Mr. Enoch Anderson has requested a search party to be sent throughout town, for something has been stolen!

I yell, catching everyone's attention, people already getting prepared, and walking past me.

— Move out of the way, messenger boy.

Someone calls to me as they rush past, I frown at the teasing, before I leave. I did not belong in that dirty old place anyway.

While I'm making my way back to the White House, I see guards knocking on cottages' doors, barging in, they were taking this very seriously. As they should, but I still think this village was too harsh, especially now that Mr. Anderson was in charge.
I enter the main building of the town and stroll back to the president's room.

— President sir, I told the guards and they are searching the entirety of Nethilor.

— Good, good, thank you Sparrow.

I nod, bowing down just a little before I leave the mayor be, this search would be going on for a very, very long time.

But, as the day passes and time continues to tick by, I can't help but ask the question.
Who was that person, and why did they choose to steal from the president of all people?

As the Season changed and the weather got colder and colder, my motivation to carry on is disappearing, food and water is so little during this time of the year everyone is scared, worried, and unfaithful, but I hope that one day, just one day.
This boring life will change.

Nethilor The Land Of Legends Book One: NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now