A mole?

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A/N: Monteriggioni looked mysterious that night. Almost uninviting, even, as its mighty façade was obscured by the bright glow of a full moon. One could wonder. How many secrets did it truly hide? How much more had I yet to uncover?

Heyyyy, everyone!!! At long last, I'm able to post this long-awaited chapter!! Do forgive me about the two-month delay. School's been an absolute bitch. And trust me. Having to handle thesises and a master's degree while being stuck here at home is everything but a delight. But the good thing is that my semester is almost done. Only one more month. XD Who knows, chapter 6 will be published sooner. XD

The cover above was edited by me. But all credits go to Ubisoft, for having created the beautiful icon that is this Villa.  

Hope you enjoy this chapter! Lemme know what you think in the comments down below. <3


A thick silence surrounded us for what felt like forever. His grave gaze never left my own as reality began to sink in. There might be a mole. And every single one of us here might be in danger. I couldn't help but gulp as I leaned into Ezio's chest. There might be a mole. And we've shared our roof and meals with her since this shit all began.

"Who should we call?" his question reached my ears, breaking the silence so swiftly it almost startled me.

"I-I....I dunno." I shook my head. "Altaïr, Alex, certainly. But..."

"But...?" he questioned, a gentle arm wrapping itself around my waist.

"But...can Shaun and Rebecca be trusted?" I finally dared myself to ask. "Don't get me wrong, they've been a delightful bunch from the very beginning. But I noticed how much they seem to trust Lucy. Can...can we truly trust them, should things go south?"

"....Lucy?" After a long pause, that name was the only thing that escaped his lips. I could feel his hold on me tense up at the possibility. I couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm afraid so...." I breathed out. "The woman who was here. She told me not to trust Lucy. She told me that whatever happens, not to trust Lucy with anything. A-And...the way she spoke...she looked terrified, panicky."

"(y/n), that woman was surely a spy..." he softly whispered against my ear. "Why should we trust her words...?"

"Because she..." I gulped. "Because she knew my face. S-She...she knew my name."

".....that is impossible." He frowned. "You have been here for only a week, tesoro (darling). The only people you have seen were us: the back-up team, Altaïr and I. How can she know you...?"

"I-I....I dunno...." I shook my head. My thoughts were racing. How could that woman know me? I had never seen her before. O-Or at least, I couldn't remember seeing her face. Ugh, this was going to drive me nuts...but then, my mind settled back on the main team. On Desmond, on Shaun and Rebecca. Poor guys. They'd be absolutely devastated by the news. They trusted her so much, and now...she might be a traitor. How would they possibly react?

"I will call Altaïr and Alex at once." Ezio's voice snapped me out of my train of thought. "They might know what to do." He was about to let go of me so he could go downstairs, but I swiftly held him back as I held onto his t-shirt. He looked down at me in surprise.

A game, or real life? - Book 2 (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now