Old sights, new partners

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A/N: I'm finally back!! Whooo!! Book 2 is here! I finally decided to go ahead wih the project, even though I have only but a draft of what the final confrontation will look like. Oh well, I'll do the same as I've done in Book 1. I'll improvise!! XD

Love you guys! ^3^

Also, Desmond mentions working at a certain café called l'Horizon. In the AC comics, this is where Desmond used to work back when he was hiding. I've been there myself! This café actually exists. It's not far from Montparnasse, a big subway/train station. One of the major train stations in Paris. A true artery for the city.


Ohh, Monteriggioni... this beautiful, quiet citadel that once witnessed the birth of a new generation of Auditores...a citadel that witnessed its near downfall too. So many memories linked me to this place, and now, as I sat on the roof of the Villa Auditore and gazed at the star-lit sky above, I felt like I could almost drown in them. Flashing images of what once was continuously tormented my thoughts, endlessly reminding me that what once was might never be the same ever again.

The whole citadel was asleep. Even our new arrivals were, I assumed, given that the lights inside the villa were out. Honestly, remembering Desmond's reaction upon seeing us still brought a smile to my face, small as it was. But his arrival here was no coincidence. I knew that. Altaïr knew that...Ezio knew that. We never quite got the chance to speak after that – his team wanted to set up this...machine before they could rest. They called it an Animus, I think. And the name felt so familiar to me. Perhaps, had I heard of it before I left to 1476? I honestly couldn't quite know. Honestly, at this point, I didn't even know anymore. So much must've changed, there was a big chance that the games might not even exist in this era. Or perhaps, they were different? Ohh, who knew for sure... So many questions, so little answers...

The sudden noise of steps surging from behind me snapped me out of my thoughts, and turning around, I looked up to see Desmond. I sighed in relief. "Ohh, it's just you, Desmond..." I breathed out, looking away and out to the citadel. I didn't even need to look back to see him walking towards me, then proceeded to sit by my side.

"You always did like to sit here whenever you needed to think." Desmond pointed out, smiling softly. "Monteriggioni's beautiful..."

"...you should've seen it back when there were no streetlights." I cracked a smile. "The stars never shone brighter."

"I can imagine." I could see his smile falter from the corner of my eye. "What's going on, (y/n)? Seeing Ezio here, with you...something's up, isn't it?"

"Alas..." I reluctantly nodded. "How far along into Ezio's memories are you?"

"Minerva's revelations at the Temple beneath the Vatican." He explained. "She was speaking to me, I think...about a natural disaster that'll wipe most of the human race. Then, she spoke to you. About a prophecy, I think..." he replied hesitantly, as if measuring every word coming out of his mouth. "I-I dunno, it was all so weird..."

"Ahh, you're that far into our tale..." I cracked a smile. "Back when things were simpler." I finally decided to look at him, taking a deep breath. "Desmond, did you get the chance to read my Codex?"

"Your Codex?" he tilted his head. "You wrote one?"

A game, or real life? - Book 2 (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now