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Dear temporary people,

I wish we've never met.

Cruel? Possibly. But you have to admit, it isn't as cruel as you've treated me.

You still want to defend yourself? Don't make me laugh.

You know exactly what you did.

There's no apology to this.

I know I'm not the best person to hang around with, maybe even the worst friend one can have and yes, I admit that I make a lot of mistakes.

I'm sorry for not being there all the time.

You knew the reasons and I never made up any stories. They were true.

I'm sorry for not paying back the blessings you gave me.

The time you gave me was more than enough and I couldn't ask for more.

And I'm truly sorry that I believed I was doing the best for you.

I wished I knew how to make things better.

But I also know that it won't be possible anymore.

Because you left.

You all left me without a warning.

Backstabbing me from behind, spoke words out I never thought would come out of your mouth one day, you lied to me but most importantly, you trampled on my trust.

I did mistakes and when I was trying to make it better, you shove me away.

I'm sorry.

But where the hell is your apology to me?

After all these years, waiting patiently for a sign or just one word.

'I'm sorry'


Even just a simple:


Like the old days, would've been enough for me.

Yet you choose to block me on every available app, ignored me whenever we came face to face and never replied back to me whenever I wanted to contact you.

You called me selfish.

Perhaps I was, but to my defense I would always stand up for you and you know that.

But where are you now that I need you the most?

We're acting like strangers now.

As if we never knew each other.

Like object tossed to the ground and left abonded for the rest of your life.

Maybe I did deserve a taste of my own Medicine.

But I still believe, that I deserved a better goodbye.

Your unforgettable stranger,

Things I wanted to say but never didWhere stories live. Discover now