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Dear yung thug (aka Damon),

Fuck you very very much!


You stupid mf 13 year old taught you were in pain??

Bruhh- Thinking about my past- self makes me cringe and realize why nobody wanted to hang out with me.

Look at your future self laughing about all the little things you whiney ass used to sulk about.

Hey buddy, there's more to life you know?

I wish I knew things sooner and had someone to remind me...

But hey lil bud, look where you are now.

You went through sum shit and hell yeah they still hurt you.

But on the bright side, you managed to get through it and accept the way it is.

Heartbreak, agony, depression, pressure, overthinking, jealousy and many more negative feelings.

Look man, sometimes it it best to be comforted with the truth than a lie.

Not everything is shining rainbows in your life kid. Accept the fact that you will have to go through hardships.

Your sense of humor offend a lot of people. Your sarcasm is brutal, haha. A reason why people left you. You better apologize to them.

I wish you knew that it is bad to get pushed around, even by your crush. Stop craving for their attention and make them want you for who you are.

Know that you're worth many things.

It's alright not to be fit at such a young age.

It's alright to have acne and a fat layer around your whole body.

It's alright to eat and not starve yourself.

It's alright to confess your feelings towards your closest friend and not feel ashamed.  If they make fun of you and don't comfort you at the end, they are not the ones man.

It's alright not to be someone's first option and move on.

That's not everything. There are plenty more I want to tell you and you probably know what I mean.

As your future self, keep in mind that things could've worked out better and that it's too late to regret shit. Move on kid.

Never thought we would ever turn out like this right? But hey, now watch me talk to audiences your age.

Yes, it's pretty much cool to be a life coach and to be kind.

Being an asshole isn't always the shit you know?

" Dear youngsters,

Stop pretending to be someone you are not and accept the way you are.

Don't get influenced by ducking social media and be addictive to perfection, because that shit doesn't exist.

Sorry not sorry.

Progression is key.

You may not understand now but one day you will :)

You are young and filled with open doors.

It's up to you which path you choose.

Become a trendy bastard or a silent weirdo.

Good or bad, you learn from them.

What matters is you live a life without regrets and don't feel sorry in the end.

Know that not everything evolves around you.

You do you and they do them. No need to fit in kid. You're cool just the way you are.

Just to snuggle this in: And hey, being a lone wolf is badass too.

So fuck it all and just go with the flow. Life is a pain in the arse, but it's up to you how you cope with it. 

Your once similar stranger,


Saw that kid? This is exactly who you are now. So cheer up and continue being you.

Because look at me now biatch!

Heck, I look like I belong in a damn movie and the red carpet!


Jk or maybe not? ;)

From your future hot self,


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