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Dear educationists all over the world,

I'm just one out of a billion teenagers, trying to send you a message which pretty much sums up our feedback towards you.

I'm not the brightest student out there and have to admit, I'm pretty much sleeping in classes and failing exams. Yet I'd like you to hear me out for once.

Yes, I am also aware of the fact that people will hate me for this. But this is a book about "Things I wish I said" after all right?

It can only be a negative outcome, as I've kept this long enough to know that this shouldn't be said.

I am here to speak up for my fellow international colleagues. Not everyone will agree with me, but I'm certain that at some points they will.

I'm certain you expect me to stick out the middle finger and yell tons of bullshit but that's just one little factor.

Thank you.

I mean it.

Thank you for sometimes lifting us up,giving us knowledge we need in life and for trying to be our second parent.

You are tying to make the best out of us.

We know you care so much for us students / younger generations and often get mad if we fail at what appears simple for you.

We want to apologize for that.

Dearest educationists, however, there are things you just can't help out with.

You thing you're helping out if you call the silent and shy kid out to the board.

But in reality are giving her/him slight heartattacks and worse, humiliating them in front of probably hidden bullies. There is a reason why silent kids are always silent and distant.

Those children will surprise you one day and step up on their own, just wait and don't force them.

I belong to this group. The lone-wolf and silent kid. It's not always because I got cut out, but more like I feel comfortable being on my own. You have to understand.

Moving on to favoritising one specific student. There's always this teacher's pet doing the things you want her/him to do and often the kid who supports your joke. I don't want to call out anybody here, but some are just taking advantage and manipulating you.

You might be close with their parents or siblings, therefore you treat them better... But Madam/Sir, that is pretty toxic and not fair towards the rest of your class.

Instead of focusing on one student, focus on us too.

This is why the majority feels distant from you, because you show them that you only care for that one specific student.

I admit it is mostly students fault for not paying attention and for learning most of the time too.

However, you could never know
what's going on in one's life. There are a lot of factors than causes one to drop out like this.

We're all having a different story after all.

Maybe the household is much more toxic than the school itself, if you know what I mean.

Adding more pressure and humiliation, for not bringing works late or for sleeping in class, could make one depressive.

Of course you fear that students take advantage of it, but you have to trust them and they'll surely become honest to you too.

We could work together, instead of constantly being in war with one another.

I have met teachers who really made us feel as if we were a whole family not just a class filled with strange faces. No, they made sure we understood the topic very well and gave us advice. I wish there were more teachers who treated us that way.

Just because we students are silent, doesn't mean we are mute or deaf.

Just because we failed an exam, doesn't mean we are stupid and uneducated. We have our strengths and weaknesses on certain subjects too.

Just because you are older, doesn't mean you are always right. We are not trying to outsmart you, just trying to prove that we can be serious and know what we are talking about.

Just because we are different from the rest, doesn't mean we are less likely. We have our traits.

Lastly, just because we are young and reckless, doesn't mean we don't feel. We feel and store the words you spit at us.

We need space, assurance, support and understanding.

Not pressure, humiliation and hatred!

If that's what you consider optional education...

Teachers, leave us kids alone.

And honestly...

Go fuck yourself.

Lmao, jk.

Remember you were once a student too.

Yours faithfully,

Things I wanted to say but never didWhere stories live. Discover now