How do I get more reads?

114 23 49

I know everyone wants to know this. Everyone! Including me at a point.

What I want you to know before we dive into this is that there are many ways to get more reads on Wattpad. And I'm here to walk you through all the ones I've discovered. . .

Via the use of song of course!

Do-a deer. A female deer:

Join a bookclub!

Bookclubs on Wattpad are various platforms through which you can get your book noticed. You get a partner, or multiple partners who will read your book and give you feedback. You'll also be required to read their work too(remember? Reading's a part of writing)

There are tons of book clubs here on wattpad. I have a reading list for that and more titled "help". So, if you're searching for a little recognition, or some feedback, be sure to check them out and fill a form to enter.

I recommend OPEN DOOR Bookclub. Not only do you get more reads, but there you have a permanent partner who will complete your story(of thirty chapters) and give you feedback. It's a good start and it's organized by a wattpad star.

Interested? Check out my reading list today❤️

Ray-a drop of golden sun

Update regularly!

Regular updates mean higher rankings, higher rankings means more recognition.


But please, don't drop all your chapters in one day. It will raise your ranks, yes. But when you no longer have chapters to put up, it'll drop the rank and drill a hole to suck you in:( and we'd hate for that to happen.

I advice that you updated twice a week or thrice if you can. Just ensure your updates are regular.

Me-a name I call myself

Make sure your chapters are good enough.

Yes. In essence, what I'm saying is edit your chapters before you post 'em. So the potential readers don't run away. An errorless story is like chocolate, it's delicious!

Even if it's not perfect, do try to do a little proofreading ❤️❤️

Far-a long long way to run

Submit your book for reading list consideration.

I didn't know how to do this before but now I do(yay *dances*) at the end of this chapter there will be an incomprehensive list of wattpad ambassador run profiles whose reading lists are open for submissions.

Yes, so what they do is they read your book, if it's good enough to them(well edited and compelling to them) they add you to their reading list. And boom! All their thousand followers see that notification, your book on their reading list. You could even get a sticker! Yes.

Just read their bio and you'll get further directions. Goodluck!

Sew-a needle pulling thread

Be a good Community person.

Vote on other books. Leave a comment. Follow others of you want. You'll see that they might check out your own works add to their reading list, and help support you!

Also, be generous with your message board, shout-out books and authors who deserve it. If you don't know how, there's a share button on the story info page of every book. At the top right corner, you'll see a share button that looks like a triangle (kind of. In my childish eyes). Click on it and click on post to profile. Make sure you tick that box that says share to followers and bam! There you go.

Don't forget to click post!

Don't just sit there with a pout and wait for the perfect audience to come, do something?

You-What? What do I do?



*Pushes you out the door and slams it in your face*

*Opens the door again and pulls you back in*

Don't go yet, we still have a few more tips to cover. (Teehee) sorry for kicking you out, here's a chocolate 🍫 or two 🍫🍫

La-a note to follow so.

Tags! Tags everywhere.

Ever see a Romance book tagged horror? Yes? No?

I just want to let you know that bad tagging will drag your book into the mud. If it's Romance, add the Romance tag. If it has Ariana Grande as the main character, add the tag ArianaGrande. If it's about chocolates, add the chocolate tag. You have twenty five spots for tags, use them wisely, and watch your book skyrocket.

Tea-a drink with jam and bread

Post announcements when you update.

This is obvious. It'll notify your followers that a new chapter is up. Even if you already have a schedule, don't forget to inform everyone when you update, it's important.

Go back to do

Still haven't seen any reader improvement?

Go back to the top and do it again.

If you've done that and it's still not working, maybe you're not giving enough to the community. Note that it's what you give you will receive.

Add undiscovered books to your reading lists. Create reading lists in the first place. Sure you can have discovered books in there, bit you'll be shocked the amount of talent hidden behind a book with fifty reads. Check out others works, leave a vote, probably a comment or two. Socialize!

Don't just sit there and pout at your device. Do it, now.

Wattpad ambassador run profiles:

@chicklit @romance @newadult @adultfiction @horror @fright @dangerouslove @cupid @NA @YA @adventure @mystery @fantasy @ambassadors (where you can find links to profiles for ambassadors of your country!)

(There's a reason why I said that list is incomprehensive)

Have a chocolate 🍫: *kicks you out of the house again and slams the door in your face*

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