New Feelings

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Author's Note:
This story will differ from perspectives, mostly being Abbachio's and Narancia's because bottom power. This story is from a narrator's PoV.

The noise of the room Abbachio was in was becoming ridiculous, all he wanted was peace and quiet as he enjoyed his tea. Narancia was fighting with Fugo once again and Mista and Giorno were arguing over the better pasta of all things! The only sane ones in this entire group were Trish and their Capo. 
"Enough!" He snapped finally. "What are you all?! Children?! Narancia! Get off Fugo! Giorno! Nobody cares which pasta tastes better!" He shouted as they all stared in stunned silence until a snicker broke the silence. Bucciarati was snickering at Abbachio's outburst, his cheeks flared with embarrassment as he slammed the teacup down and stormed out.

Bucciarati knew then that he had unwillingly embarrassed Abbachio and immediately stood up hurrying after him as the others still stayed silent until the sound of shouting from Abbachio's room filled the silence.
"Abba is very angry.." Narancia whispered softly as Fugo just patted his head softly and indicated to be quiet until the older man calmed down.


"How dare you ridicule me like that!" Abbachio's voice was extremely loud and Bucciarati was exasperated trying to calm him down. 
"Abbachio, please, I wasn't attempting to ridicule you, calm down and let's talk amicably." He pleaded holding up his hands in surrender, "I beg of you." Abbachio's eyes were glazed with darkness as he glared coldly, even Bucciarati wasn't completely sure how to make it up to the older man, so he fell silent and nodded closing his eyes. "I apologise, Abbachio, I understand I was out of line." Abbachio was shocked at his Capo apologising before him. 

Regaining his uncaring demeanour he just stared at his Capo with silent rage, and honestly? This scared Bucciarati more. When Abbachio was silent and wouldn't say anything, Bucciarati had no idea what was going on in his head, and that thought was terrifying. 

Abbachio however, was calming down, watching his Capo's expressions waver and change as he tried to read the older man's expressionless face. "Abbachio, use your words, please." He said softly, Abbachio wasn't even sure what to think, but his Capo watching him so intently was causing his face to flush as he looked away quickly, startling Bucciarati. Neither of them knew what to do in this situation so Bucciarati went quiet and nodded. "My apologies, Abbachio, I will leave you alone now." He said and swiftly and turned leaving the older man with his thoughts.


Narancia was sat on Fugo's lap looking at Mista and Giorno arm wrestling when he heard the door slam as Bucciarati stormed off to his room, the sound of the door slamming shook the house causing everyone to fall silent until the sudden sound of wood and bones cracking as Mista yelled out in pain. 
"You cheating bastard! We agreed no stands!" He shouted gripping his wrist, Gold Experience was behind Giorno just grinning from ear to ear as he looked at his friend under him. 
"Never trust a gangster." Was the only thing he said chuckling as he took ahold of Mista's wrist healing it carefully as he flinched and looked away.

"Just kiss already." Fugo remarked as they flushed darkly, Giorno swiftly letting go of his wrist. Narancia looked up at Fugo curiously, his violet eyes looking into the younger man's matching ones. 
"Why would they kiss, Fugo?" He asked innocently, causing Fugo to just flush with embarrassment, curse Narancia's innocence, he swore under his breath. Narancia didn't take his eyes off the other, Fugo was trying to find his words when another voice suddenly piped up behind them.

"Because Narancia, like you, they're gay." Trish Una who had been chilled out behind them, finally spoke up. Fugo knew immediately the reaction that was gonna cause and before he could stop it Narancia had bolted up out of his arms glaring at Trish furiously. 
"I am not gay!" He snapped causing her to snicker. This just infuriated her more and she knew it.
"So fawning over Fugo like a lost little puppy isn't you being gay?" She continued pushing him further and further as Fugo stood up swiftly standing behind Narancia protectively. 
"Enough, Trish, stop, you're winding him up unnecessarily." He said warningly, except that didn't stop her. 

Narancia saw red, he flew at her slamming her back into the wall grabbing her hair. 
"Shut the fuck up you floosy!" He roared as Fugo and Mista immediately sprang up and grabbed Narancia by the arms trying to pull him away before Bucciarati heard and they found themselves in a bad situation. But much to their surprise, Abbachio came out instead of Bucciarati and looked at the scene before them; Narancia's face was bright red as he glared at Trish, still struggling in Fugo and Mista's grip as Giorno was checking Trish was okay.

"What is going on here?" He asked looking at them all with narrowed eyes.
"Trish and Narancia had a misunderstanding and Narancia got angry, we've got it under control." Fugo said quickly, digging his elbow into Narancia's ribs warningly.
"She called me gay! Just because I don't like stupid girls like you doesn't mean I'm gay!" He spat so venomously it made Fugo visibly uncomfortable, Abbachio however looked furious.
"And what's wrong with being gay?" He snapped so loudly everyone froze, including Narancia. He realised the error in his words and just looked away guiltily. 

"Abbachio, don't yell at him, he doesn't understand." A soft voice came from behind them, Bucciarati was stood in the doorway watching them, a faint smile on his face as if he had reached a realisation.
"Everyone get dressed, we'll go out for dinner tonight." He said causing Narancia to perk up immediately, swiftly running off to go get ready, Fugo following him grumbling to himself and Abbachio turning back to his room to get ready.


Within half an hour everyone was ready, or nearly ready.
"Narancia, quit struggling damnit!" Fugo shouted, gripping a tie that was wrapped around the other's neck. 
"It's uncomfortable, Fugo! Hey! You're strangling me!" The smaller boy retorted hitting the younger man in the nose with the flat of his palm causing the other to fall back startled, the hit hadn't hurt Fugo, it surprised him more than anything; but it was enough to make him snap.

Narancia was flat on his back within seconds, Fugo atop him tying the tie viciously as he struggled desperately, shrieking for help.

"There, that wasn't hard." Fugo spat getting up and pulling Narancia up with him, everyone else was chuckling as they watched the scene, everyone except Abbachio who was watching Bucciarati intently, lost in his own thoughts about his actions/feelings. Why had he been feeling so strange towards his Capo as of late,
"Fugo, can I sit on your lap in the car?" Narancia asked innocently causing Mista and Trish to snort with laughter,
"And he says he's not gay, he's very clearly in love with Fugo." Trish chuckled looking at them, Narancia just flipped her off, Abbachio however looked bewildered.


It was impossible. Leone Abbachio in love? With his Capo of all people? But it made sense. Abbachio found himself staring at Bucciarati subconsciously who caught his gaze and smiled at him; it was then Abbachio realised, the fluttery feeling in his chest, his face burning at something as simple as a smile from his Capo.

Leone Abbachio was in love with Bruno Bucciarati.

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