I love you, Fugo

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Narancia had been dwelling recently. Giorno and Mista were together, now Abbachio and Bucciarati were together. Who did that leave...Trish and...Fugo. Narancia subconsciously found his face burning as he thought of Fugo, but why? He had never thought of Fugo this way before, or had he? 

As Narancia's thoughts filled his head he found himself staring at Fugo even more albeit being subconsciously, Narancia liked Fugo, but did he like Fugo? 
"Hey! Idiot! Are you even listening?!" Fugo's annoyed, snarky voice pulled Narancia from his daydream as he was reminded of the maths questions in front of him, groaning in response and face planting the book.
"I don't wanna do stupid maths! It won't help me kill people!" He huffed then glanced at Fugo's face, almost admiring it. "Do you like anyone, Fugo?" He asked.

Fugo was so caught off by this question he froze mid-rant and stared at Narancia surprised. 
"Why?" He asked suspiciously, very sure there was a hidden motive behind the boy's questions. Narancia just chuckled nervously and glanced off to the side.
"No reason, just..Giorno and Mista are dating, Abbachio and Bucci are now dating, I wondered if you liked someone." He said with a nervous smile.

Fugo looked angry.

An angry Fugo scared Narancia so much he even shrank back in his chair slightly,
"O-Or not.." He retorted shakily, laughing anxiously.
"What's wrong, Narancia..you asked me a question, did you not?" His voice was dark, cold even, watching Narancia with his violet eyes. Narancia's heart was racing, out of fear or excitement, not even Narancia knew.
"I-I did..b-but you don't seem too willing to share.." He stammered nervously, Fugo looked bewildered then remembered his lack of being able to show his emotions and regained his composure. 

"I do like someone." He said bluntly and rested his head on his hand watching as Narancia's face changed to one of shock, it amused him.
"Who?!" He demanded sitting bolt upright, clearly more interested in Fugo's love life than his school work. 

"I'll tell you if you complete all your questions and get them correct." Fugo smirked as Narancia's jaw dropped realising he was serious.
"You know full well that's impossible!" He cried pushing the book away angrily until a butter knife was pointed at his throat.
"You'll do them because I say, offering you who my crush is is just a bonus, you little shit." He growled warningly as Narancia paled and nodded quickly.


Narancia felt like he had been sat there forever before Fugo finally let him go, running to his room and collapsing on his bed tiredly. Without even trying, Narancia fell asleep...


Fugo was exhausted from trying to teach that dumbass how to learn maths, and so after his shower he had gone to his room to lay down, falling asleep quite easily.

Several hours later Fugo was woken up by something sharp in his ribs, groaning as he rolled away rubbing his side looking at what was digging into him and bolting up startled.
"N-Narancia?!" He cried shocked, the smaller boy just groaning in response and burying into him more causing Fugo to let out a high pitched shriek flinging himself backwards falling out of the bed.

However his scream did wake Narancia up along with others.

Narancia had bolted up, Aerosmith immediately flying around the room showing he was on his guard straightaway.
"Fugo?! What happened?! Is it an enemy?!" Narancia asked quickly, clearly seeing no issue with the fact that he was in Fugo's bed.
"Y-You! Why are you in my bed, you fucking idiot?!" Fugo snapped getting up and hitting Narancia on the back of the head angrily causing him to cry out in pain and hug his head.

"Fugo?! Is everything okay?! Why did you scream?!" Bucciarati was on the other side of the door, rattling it desperately and would probably very soon zip his way through.
"I'm fine, Bucciarati. Narancia was just playing a very stupid prank." Fugo growled through gritted teeth, glaring at the tearful boy angrily. It took a while but Bucciarati finally left heading back to his room.

Fugo sat down in front of Narancia glaring at him still,
"Why were you in my bed." His cold voice barked as Narancia looked at him, his violet eyes brimming with tears.
"The heating broke in my room, Giorno and Mista were doing it...Abbachio wouldn't let me in with him and Bucci but your room was unlocked.." He mumbled sniffling sadly. Fugo's hand was twitching, almost wanting to hit him again.

"We aren't a couple, Narancia. You can't barge into my room while I'm asleep and start spooning me." Fugo glared.

"You were the one spooning me.." He mumbled and looked away. "I originally laid at the bottom of your bed...you pulled me into your arms and cuddled me.." Fugo was shocked. Had he really? No, he couldn't.
"We aren't a couple. Go back to your own room." He barked and got up to fix his sheets, but Narancia didn't move.

"Narancia-" Fugo was cut off.
"No! You can't kick me out saying we aren't a couple! We always used to stay with each other! When I had nightmares! When Bucciarati was still ignoring me for going behind his back! What changed?!" He demanded, working himself up and going pink in the face. Fugo was shocked Narancia remembered that. 
"We were children. We aren't children anymore." Fugo retorted, although he was pulling at straws,straws he knew Narancia would see through.

"Technically we are! I'm 17! You're 16! We are children! What's so wrong with sharing a bed now?!" He shouted, but his voice cracked and a tear slid down his face, he hadn't even meant to cry, he was just so worked up. 

Fugo didn't know what to do, seeing Narancia cry hurt him, it hurt him a lot, but what was he supposed to do? Let Narancia continue blindly cuddling into him whilst Fugo suffered with his feelings on his own? How was that fair?
"Narancia...earlier...you asked if I had a crush on anyone...why was that..?" He asked quietly, Narancia wiping his eyes and sniffling looked up at him confused.
"W-What..? What does that have to do with anything..?" He queried, Fugo just slammed his hand on the dresser.
"Just answer the question!" He shouted making Narancia jump.

"I don't know...but everytime I see Giorno and Mista...and now Bucci and Abbachio...I find myself looking at you...because I think..." Narancia cut himself off and took a deep breath looking Fugo in the eyes.

"No, I know. I love you, Fugo.."

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