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The drive to the restaurant was silent, Abbachio sat in the front with Bucciarati, Giorno and Mista sat together, Narancia sat on Fugo's lap like he wanted and Trish in between them looking grossed out.
"How much longer, Bucciarati?" She whined like a spoilt brat, looking almost sick when Mista accidentally jostled her. Abbachio just rolled his eyes glancing at his Capo who was focused intently on the road in front of them with a soft smile on his face.

He looks cute.

Abbachio was stunned by his own thoughts, what was he thinking?! He hadn't noticed Abbachio glancing at him sideways, his faint smile just a little fainter as he tried reading the other's mind. Almost impossible for the Capo. This drove the Capo into his own thoughts, Abbachio was always so different than the others who often acted like children, he was calm, composed, compassionate, but only to him, to others he was cold, distant, angry.


Words flew through the Capo's heads, several of them jumbling into no sense. What was he supposed to do with these thoughts? They were so annoying that Bucciarati almost found himself frowning until Abbachio's hand was placed over his own bringing him out of his thoughts to look at the older man. No words were needed to express the emotions the two were conveying, they knew in their hearts how they felt.

The rest of the drive was in almost complete silence until they eventually pulled up at the infamous Libeccio, the place of the most comfort to the small group as it was where their family came to be.
"Yay! Imma order the bruschetta and the strawberry cake and the ice tea!" Narancia babbled excitedly as they all scrambled out of the car; that was until Narancia tripped up skinning his knee on the ground causing him to swear violently.
"NARANCIA GHIRGA! WHAT WAS THAT LANGUAGE?!" Fugo roared from the other side of the car causing Narancia to pale and immediately forget his injuries as he stood up running behind Bucciarati.
"Don't let the scary man get me!" He cried clutching Bucciarati's coat in his palms as Fugo stalked towards them like a feral predator after its prey.

"Fugo, calm down, we can't have any bloodshed before we've even eaten." Bucciarati said calmly, looking at the young man with a soft smile. "-besides, you could always murder him later on." He continued chuckling as Narancia paled even more whimpering behind their leader causing a bored eye roll from Abbachio,
"Acting like children again." He scoffed walking into the restaurant with a flurry, unaware of his Capo's eyes following him like a lost puppy - but Mista noticed.

"Bucciarati, are you -" He was cut off by a glare that could slice air in his direction, the gunslinger's throat drying up as he laughed nervously and looked away.

"Let's go, no murdering until after we've eaten." Bucciarati said warningly, looking at Fugo and Narancia who nodded and smiled fakely as they walked into the restaurant, arms linked, making anyone behind them unaware of the fork poking out of Narancia's stomach as tears filled his eyes.


"Bruno! Welcome back, mio amico!" The waiter greeted them at the door, being very acquainted with Bucciarati as most of them met him here. Abbachio and Mista being the only exceptions, making Abbachio wonder how Bucciarati had found him that day; maybe he should ask him one day.

As they were all taken to their usual table in the corner of the room, everybody sat down excitedly then looked at Giorno surprised, this time a month ago they were meeting him for the first time. Abbachio smirked,
"We should order a pot of tea, for old time's sake." He said with a chuckle, everybody else either laughed or paled at the suggestion, looking at Giorno for his reaction - but Giorno was smiling.
"I bet you still don't know how I did that~ I'll tell you if you tell me something~" Giorno purred in an almost seductive tone, throwing Abbachio off guard.

"What is it you little brat?" He asked clearly intrigued by what Giorno wanted to know. Everybody else was also watching eagerly, obviously just as intrigued.

"When did you fall in love with Bucciarati?"

Everyone was silent. Bucciarati's face was unreadable, Abbachio's however was red, with rage or embarrassment, none of them knew.
"..What are you talking about..?" Abbachio finally asked quietly, Giorno should've been fearing for his life right now but instead he looked calm.
"You and Bucciarati. It's very obvious you're in love with him, when did you fall-" Giorno's words were cut off as he was suddenly slammed against the wall by his collar.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to, you cocky little shit!" Abbachio had snapped, his face was dark with a cold sneer marking it, growling at him darkly. Even Bucciarati was shocked by the sudden snap and ran to Abbachio grabbing his arm.
"Let go, Abbachio! He didn't mean any harm!" Bucciarati cried desperately attempting desperately to pull him away, Giorno wasn't fighting back, simply looking him dead in the eye.

"You were the first to make fun of me and Mista. Even going as far as telling Mista he would have a better chance with a rock than me." There was visible pain in Giorno's words. "So all I want to know is when you fell in love with Bucciarati, so I can understand whether you just didn't understand love or have always been a dickhead."

There was a swing of a fist, the sound of contact, then silence.


Nobody spoke to each other for the entire ride home, even their meal had been silent and awkward. Narancia was curled up on Fugo's lap looking at everyone unhappily, Mista was sat staring out of the window ignoring everyone, Bucciarati was driving silently, Giorno and Abbachio weren't even acknowledging each other's existence.
"I'm sorry for hitting you." Came a quiet voice, the other didn't even flinch.
"I was gonna hit him first." They grunted and sighed. "Apologies, Bucciarati, but that brat needs to learn his place." Giorno just scoffed from his backseat causing Narancia to flinch into Fugo thinking they were going to start fighting again.


Once arriving back at their hideout everyone parted ways for the night, Abbachio returning to his room and laying down.

He must've fallen asleep, because the next thing he knew he was waking up at maybe 1am? There was someone knocking at his door. On guard, Abbachio stood up walking to the door, his fist clenched ready to use Moody Blues if there was an enemy.
"Who's there." He growled warningly, the knocking finally subsided and there was a pause before he was answered.
"Bucciarati." That was all Abbachio needed as he opened the door leaning on the door frame looking at the smaller man before him, Bucciarati had clearly been asleep too as his normally straight hair was messy and sticking up.

"Can we talk?"

Those words drilled through him as he nodded stiffly opening the door wider to allow him in. After closing the door he moved and sat on the bed looking up at his Capo tiredly.
"Now, this wasn't just brought on by Giorno's words at the restaurant, I've been thinking this for a while.." He began immediately filling Abbachio with dread, he knew where this conversation was going and he certainly wasn't ready for it, so instead he looked away waiting for the shut-down.

"I think I have feelings for you..."

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