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It had been days since Bucciarati's confession to the confused Abbachio and he had avoided him since. Abbachio knew he had hurt the Capo that night, but he had just been so confused about his own feelings. Even today, Bucciarati was talking and laughing with Narancia and Fugo but wouldn't even look in his direction.
"Fugo, why don't you take Narancia for some ice cream? You can use my car." Bucciarati offered, peaking even Fugo's attention as Fugo loved taking Bucciarati's car.

They left with no fuss leaving Abbachio and Bucciarati alone as Giorno and Mista were out together and Trish was at the office. 
"Abba-" Bucciarati began but Abbachio jumped up quickly looking around for something.
"Sorry! I forgot something in my room!" He cried turning to run until he heard a sharp voice behind him.
"Sit down!" And so he did, hands in his lap looking down like a child. Bucciarati just sighed beside him. "Abbachio, about the other night, it wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable.." 
"Bucciarati, please! Don't apologise to me.." Abbachio protested with a sigh. 

They sat in silence for several minutes before Abbachio turned to say something when he was suddenly met with the others lips on his, causing his eyes to widen startled - but he didn't pull away, instead his hands snaked around the other pulling their bodies closer as one hand brushed its way through Bucciarati's silken hair, deepening the kiss more when Bucciarati's tongue poked at his lips demanding entry to which Abbachio blissfully gave. 

Seconds felt like forever in each other's grip, neither wanted to part but they eventually did for air, a thin saliva strand connecting them as Abbachio looked at his Capo's face, his lips partially stained with his own lipstick. 
"Bucciarati, your lips.." He whispered breathlessly as the younger man caught on and reached up running his thumb across his own lips with a seductive chuckle. 

The sound was almost orgasmic. 

"Bucciarati, you.." Abbachio growled softly pulling the other man closer and leaned closer as if to kiss him again when the door was suddenly kicked open and Abbachio flew back, clearly not intending to be seen with him. This hurt Bucciarati's pride just a little.

"Abbachio-" Bucciarati was swiftly shut down by Abbachio as he stood up and left the room, refusing to be seen as Giorno and Mista ran into the room. Bucciarati was left feeling lost, what had just happened?
"Bucciarati? Are you okay?" Giorno asked looking at the confused Capo worriedly, Bucciarati just nodded palely and stumbled off to his room, leaving everyone else confused and alone.

"That wasn't like him.." Mista said finally and sighed wrapping his arm around Giorno looking at him. They nodded and left to their room, believing they needed space.


The house had been silent for hours, everybody was in their rooms and nobody was talking. Eventually evening came and when everyone was believed to be asleep, Bucciarati left his room headed to Abbachio's room, not knocking this time, he went straight in. 
"Abbach-" His words were cut off by the scene before him. Abbachio was stood upright, halfway through taking his coat off exposing his slim muscled body as he looked at his Capo startled, swiftly pulling his coat back on.
"Bucciarati! Why didn't you knock?!" He cried flustered and looked away.

"Why did you run away earlier?" 

Abbachio's throat dried up as Bucciarati ignored his protests and walked towards him determinedly, Abbachio could see in his face that he had upset him earlier, so with a heavy sigh he sat on his bed. 
"I don't want the others seeing me doing that sort of stuff...Giorno especially..." He muttered the last part but Bucciarati still heard it, choosing to ignore it.
"Narancia has been getting tormented relentlessly for his naivety about how he is with Fugo, Giorno and Mista are just...Giorno and Mista...I don't want to be part of that.." He sighed.

But Bucciarati understood. He understood clearly. 

"You don't want to be seen as gay." Bucciarati said with a faint chuckle. "You're just like Fugo.." He whispered softly catching Abbachio's attention.
"What about Fugo?" He asked curiously as Bucciarati looked startled.
"You cannot tell Fugo, he will kill me if he knows I've told someone." He warned as Abbachio nodded, intrigued as to what their younger friend was hiding.
"Fugo has feelings for Narancia, we can all see Narancia likes Fugo but he isn't aware of what those feelings are and he gets extremely defensive if somebody openly calls him gay. Like Trish." He explained as Abbachio nodded remembering when he interrupted Narancia trying to tear her head off. 

"I've never been a very open person, Bucciarati, you know this." He said looking at the smaller man, but Bucciarati couldn't argue, he did know it, it had taken him some convincing to bring him to Passione.
"I'm not asking you to open your heart, Leone." Bucciarati smiled, causing a faint twinge to Abbachio's cheeks hearing his Capo use his first name. "But I am asking you to be my partner, mio amante, if you will." He was looking Abbachio in the eyes as he spoke, looking almost sultry as he asked Abbachio to be his lover.

Abbachio was speechless, how was Bucciarati saying such things with ease? 

He couldn't find the words no matter how hard he tried; instead he did one of the only things he knew would work to express how he felt. He grabbed Bucciarati by the arms pulling him closer, moving his hand to tilt the smaller man's chin up to his as he kissed him with such vigour and passion that is expressed all of his feelings in one. And as Bucciarati embraced in in return, their future fate together was sealed. 


Days passed and as expected, Abbachio hid his relationship with Bucciarati well, they were rarely seen together in front of others but behind closed doors they were getting more and more intimate. It was making the others suspicious. One day Giorno noticed something and went to the others, 
"Abbachio has a love bite on his neck." The others were so shocked by the news they didn't believe him. 
"Abbachio? Has a love bite? Giorno, he isn't even dating anyone." Fugo scoffed looking at him in disbelief.

This argument carried on over the next few days, until Mista found another piece of evidence and came to the group again. 
"Bucciarati has purple lipstick stains." He whispered almost being secretive, but yet again they didn't believe him.
"Are you trying to suggest Bucci and Abbachio are..?" Narancia couldn't even finish his sentence without shuddering at the thought. 

The group was divided, they needed answers.

They went to Abbachio, the most brutally honest man ever. 
"Abbachio!" Mista called grabbing his attention before he walked out of the door, the older man turned to face them folding his arms impatiently. 
"Are you seeing someone?" Giorno asked catching up to him, everyone stood there looking him waiting for an answer; but Abbachio seemed stunned by their question. 
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asked growling lowly, Abbachio was starting to panic internally, had they found out?

"A few days ago Giorno said you had a love bite on your neck, and Mista found purple lipstick stains on Bucci. That indicates you and Bucci are..." Narancia paused again, still unable to say it. "But you wouldn't right?" He asked looking up at Abbachio with wide innocent eyes.

"I am not-" He was cut off by the clearing of a throat behind him, causing him to freeze and pale.
"You've been caught, we agreed to tell them if you were caught." Everybody's eyes widened, staring at the figure behind him amazed. Abbachio felt an arm glide around his waist and could sense the smirk on his Capo's face before even turning around, Bucciarati had let them find out on purpose.

"You sneaky bastard.." He growled under his breath.

"You caught us, Giorno, Abbachio and I have been dating in secret the past few days." Bucciarati admitted looking at them all with his smug face. Nobody could believe it...

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