Adjusting to New Life

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A/N: This chapter will include drunk lemon and mild lemon.

Abbachio was going mad being around these utter children, and if any one of them were to ruin their date tonight he would probably rip their heads off. They were all sprawled out with each other in the lounge, chatting randomly with each other. 
"Hey. You lot." Abbachio growled as he walked into the room, they all froze and looked at him silently, waiting for yet another rant. "Bucciarati and I are going for a date tonight, if we are interrupted and he has to come back here because you idiots can't behave." He growled and grabbed Mista warningly. "I will make you all wish you were dead." He warned narrowing his eyes.

Everyone froze and nodded silently, letting Abbachio release Mista and leave the room before anyone dared to even breathe. Narancia was curled up in Fugo's lap hugging his knees, both of them had been this soft and loving since Narancia confessed but neither of them had dared call the other their boyfriend.
"Abbachio's gotten meaner since getting with Bucci.." He mumbled as Fugo wrapped his arms around him with a nod. 
"Because he believes Bucciarati's too soft on us, which he is, especially to you and Giorno." He explained as Mista chuckled and wrapped his arm around Giorno grinning.
"That's because Abbachio hates anything to do with Giorno." He smiled kissing his head as Giorno just huffed and folded his arms. 

"I didn't do anything to him.." He mumbled leaning into him as everyone else just laughed.
"Your existence was enough to piss him off." He smiled as everyone nodded in agreement, at least tonight would be quiet with Abbachio gone.


Abbachio and Bucciarati were both dressed up and waiting in the foyer whilst Bucciarati was explaining everything to Mista and Giorno for the hundredth time, clearly uneasy about leaving them alone.
"Bucciarati, enough, they're adults!" He growled as Bucciarati glanced at him with an unamused look. 
"And they're not left alone very often, leave me alone, Abbachio." He growled back warningly, the tension between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Abbachio just scoffed in response and turned walking out the door.
"I'll be in the car." He stated before closing it after him leaving them all alone, Bucciarati just sighed softly rubbing his head.
"Be good you lot.." He murmured and turned walking after Abbachio.


Everyone had been in their own rooms for a while, Mista eventually grew bored of his boyfriends company and rolled off the couch getting up. 
"I wonder what Narancia and Fugo are doing, they're being strangely silent." He yawned as Giorno rolled onto his stomach looking up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"You want to see if they're doing it, I know you." He retorted with a smile, Mista acted offended, one hand on his chest dramatically. 
"You know me too well, Giorno Giovanna." He grinned stretching his arms and grabbing his mobile. "Plus I want blackmail, Fugo still has that picture of you falling on me." He cackled leaving the room as Giorno just nodded along nonchalantly chuckling to himself.
"Uh huh, I 'fell' on you." He said to himself as Mista ran to Fugo's room.

Even the bedroom was deathly silent, Mista would be disappointed if he snuck in there and they were just asleep or something boring. 

He eased the door open silently, not wanting it to creak or alert them and poked his head around the door. He dropped his mobile staring in shock at the scene before him; Fugo had Narancia pinned under him, their lips pressed together tightly with Narancia's arms looped around Fugo's neck tightly. It took Mista a moment to realise Fugo was grinding against Narancia and that kiss was the only thing keeping Narancia's pleasured mewls from escaping. But their instincts took over, sensing Mista by the door as Fugo broke away quickly grabbing the nearest item on the bedside table which to Mista's horror was one of Narancia's knives. 

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