I | Prompts I've Used #1

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Genre: Young Adult Fiction 

Prompt: Write a story that takes place on a bridge in an isolated spot.

You can also read this in my "Short Stories" collection by copy and pasting this link: https://www.wattpad.com/990362488-short-stories-the-perfect-ending or click on the external link which should be attached!

This story contains suicidal thoughts!

I put my hands on the railings and grasped the cold metal which numbed my fingers. I leaned over, my breath hitched as I gazed down at the rocks and the midnight sea, spraying up every few seconds in a frenzy of silver and white reflecting in the light of the moon. You could see the movement in the dark, even though the only light was the moon and the stars in the sky. There was not a single man-made light visible in the nearest vicinity. The sky was clear enough to see the brief outline of the Milkyway, as clear I've ever seen it. The stars looked like paint splattered on a navy blue canvas, in all their uneven random glory. But I wasn't looking at the stars, not now anyway. I kept my eyes focused on the waves, and didn't falter as I traced their magnificent circular movements. My hand reached out over the side of the bridge as if I could touch them.

Carefully, I lifted myself up, using the railings as a step. I stepped over the side, until I was on the other side of the railings, my hands holding on behind me, and my back leaning against the cold metal. It was dangerous, I knew it, but I wasn't afraid anymore. I closed my eyes, breathing with the rhythm of the ocean, my dark brown hair blowing in my face, blurring my vision even when I did open my eyes.

Slowly, I loosened my grasp on the railings. This was it. This was my ending. The perfect ending. I couldn't have planned it any better.

I braced myself to jump. Glancing up one last time at the stars, I reverted my gaze back to the unpredictable waves of blue below.

This was it.

I'll jump on three. One... two...


I turned around, my hands gripping onto the railings tightly again. It was dark, and I had begun to feel dizzy. I focused my eyes on the blurred figure in front of me.

Caleb stood on the bridge, his dark skin appeared blue in the dark, and he appeared breathless. He'd obviously been running.

"Leah, you don't have to do this," He said, his voice softer now, just audible above the hum of the wind. "You don't want to."

My lip quivered, and tears welled up in my eyes but I just managed to keep them from spilling.

His grey hoodie, at least it looked grey in the dark, was zipped up all the way and his hood was tightened. You couldn't see his short curls under the hood, but I knew they were there. I knew what it looked like, what it felt like. I knew what he looked like without his hoodie on or his shirt. I knew what he smelt like up close without it being obscured by the smell of the sea. I knew what his hand felt like, when it gripped my own, what his lips tasted like when they connected with mine. I knew that when he was sad, he'd tighten his hoodie up like it was right now, with his hands shoved in his pockets. I knew everything about him and yet he knew nothing about me.

"I have to do this," I said, raising my voice above the whir of the wind. The tears began to spill, wetting my cheeks. I began to turn around, and my voice choked up. "I'm... sorry."

I braced myself to jump again, but I was stopped by a firm grip on my wrist.

"No, you don't!" He reminded me and began to help me over the railings. I complied, blinking through the tears. Part of me wanted to lash out, to let go and plummet to my death. The other part of me couldn't argue with him. Deep down, I knew he was right, that I was about to make the worst decision of my life.

Back on the bridge, he pulled me close to him, and I buried my head in his chest. He wasn't very tall, standing just over 5'8" at his tallest, but I was small in comparison, just reaching 5 foot. He wrapped his arms around me and mine wrapped around him. I cried, soaking his hoodie, and covering in it snot too because nobody cries glamorously.

"I... though, I thought I had no choice," I mumbled, my voice only just audible, due to the wind and my tears.

"There's one thing you must remember," Caleb whispered into my hair, "You always have a choice. It's called free will for a reason."

"How did you know I'd be here?" I asked.

"I know you," He told me, "I know you think I don't, but I've learnt more in these past three weeks than I have in these whole ten years of knowing each other."

"You stopped me..." I said through the tears, "You stopped me from... you didn't want me to..."

"I couldn't let you," He whispered into my hair, "I couldn't let you do that to your self."

"I wanted to do it so badly," I admitted, "I kept thinking about it, I couldn't think of a reason to stay, I still can't, but I don't know if I can stop myself. I don't know if you'll be able to stop me again."

"Make me the reason," He said with authority, "Make me the reason for you to stay. You have to stay, I want you to stay..."

"Ok," I said, the tears beginning to go away, "I'll stay."

I leant my head on his chest again, and he rubbed my back. The wind was still cold, but it had slowed down now, so much that it was almost soothing. I could still hear the crash of the waves beneath us, but I no longer wanted to join them.

"Promise me, promise me you'll never do that again?" He asked, looking in my eyes, lifting my chin gently upwards so we could make eye contact.

I looked up at him, and I saw it, I saw my reason to stay.

"I promise," I said, meaning it this time.

With that, he brought his lips to mine, and what felt like the first time all over again, we kissed. This action was a surprise, but I welcomed it gratefully. It was a blissful moment, and as we kissed, I swear the wind stopped blowing and the whole world grew to a halt. It was just us, and that was all I needed.

Authors note

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