XXV | Picture Prompt #5

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Genre: Fantasy ✯

К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.

Genre: Fantasy

Prompt: She sat there glowing as bright as the sun. She was so beautiful and by far their greatest addition to their collection yet.

Describe the image. How did the trolls find her? How does she feel about being a piece in their collection? Will she try to escape? Are they friendly? Use the image as inspiration for your story.

Art Credit: John Bauer 1882-1918

Website: https://www.artpassions.net/bauer/bauer.html


Authors note
Remember you are free to use and publish all the prompts in this book as long as you give me credit. You can do this in a number of ways:

• Credit my username

Add an external link to your story

• Credit my username and the name of this book

Credit my username, this book and add an external link

There is a tutorial on how to add an external link in the introduction. Please vote, comment and hopefully use these to write your very own short stories!

Writing PromptsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя