III | Prompts I've Used #3

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Genre: Romance ♥ ⚤

Prompt: Write about a character meeting their partner's family for the first time.

You can also read this in my "Short Stories" collection by copy and pasting this link: https://www.wattpad.com/990362488-short-stories-the-perfect-ending or click on the external link which should be attached!

I tighten the black tie around my neck, while Candi finishes her hair and makeup in the Travelodge bathroom. I check my tie in the mirror. I'm not sure I've done it right. The last time I wore it was at my grandmother's funeral. This is no funeral, but the tie is still black and so is the suit jacket and pants. All I have to do is hope nobody notices the worn trainers on my feet.

"Lose the jacket," Candi says coming out of the bathroom. I take in how gorgeous she looks once again. She's wearing a blush pink newsreader style high neck dress, shimmery flesh tights and nude heels, and pearly earrings and a necklace that makes her look like a country club mother or something, from an American sitcom. Her brown hair is tied up in some sort of bun, with tendrils framing her face, and her makeup is soft and pink, just like her outfit. The pale colour contrasts with her olive skin, and she smiles with those irresistible hazel eyes.

"I thought you said it was formal," I say, loosening my tie.

"No baby, not this formal," She says, taking the jacket off my shoulders, and then begins to neaten my tie. "Is this seriously the only tie you have?"

"Yes," I say, "And like the rest of the outfit, it's one of the few outfits I own that doesn't have oil grease on it."

I work as a freelance mechanic, Candi too, but she still manages to look pristine in every single one of her outfits. Her hands are rough with callouses, from playing the guitar as well as being a mechanic, and her nails are normally dirty. Still, she went to some spar with her friend and got her hands massaged and nails done so now you would never even guess her profession.

"Why is it so important to make such an effort today? It's not our engagement party," I point out, as Candi finishes retying my botched tie.

"My family have been a judgemental of me since birth," She explains, "Not only am I the only mixed member of the family, but I'm also dating a ginger white guy, we need to show them that there's no problem with that."

She turns to look in the mirror, standing next to me, her arm intertwined with my own.

"There," She smiles, "You look handsome."

"Thanks," I say, unable to hide the grin that escapes my lips. "Which side of the family are we seeing again?"

"My dad's, the Italians," She informs me, "The Philippino's are worse. My mum left home and ran off with an Italian man and got pregnant before she was married. Just be glad most of them are dead."

"Your dad's side can't be that bad," I say.

"Well for starters they mostly all speak English, even my great aunt," She says, "Also it's my great aunt's house because she's the rich one and obviously Noni isn't around anymore, and it's her house, so smile and be polite."

"What's Italian polite?" I ask.

"Just be English polite, that'll suffice," She says, "Now we best be off."

She reaches for her purse and jacket and walks towards the door.

"Come on Jack, we don't want to be late," She says, opening the door for me, "Fashionably late isn't a thing on my dad's side."

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