An attempted murder

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(There would be some gore in this chapter, read with cation)

(Kazuichi POV)

I was hanging out with Hajime and Teruteru and then the nighttime announcement went off. Hajime looked kinda panicked, my guess was Gundham, "Yo Hajime, what did Gundham tell you?", I asked, "He just told me that we have an party to attend to." He said, then Gundham came, "Could you fiendish fiends give me my prince to me?" He asked, "Wha- what no!" I said, "Guys it's okay, I'll just go." Hajime said, "Hajime no, you can't go with this psychopath, he might harm you." I said, Gundham smirked "You see even my prince says that he'll go with me." He said smugly. Hajime reluctantly went with Gundham, and he had an depressing look.

(Hajime POV)

I went with Gundham to his cottage and he pinned me against his wall. I just glared at him, he gave me an smirk, he forcefully kissed me. He made a small growl, "My prince, it's best if you kiss back~" He whispered into my ear, he then placed his lips back onto my lips, I then kissed him back, his lips parted from mine. He gave me an smirk, "So glad that you liked it, anyways it's nighttime and we're supposed to go to the party now." He said, we both then went to the party, Byakuya checked him then he checked me, we both head in the dining room and I went to where Kazuichi was. He gave me a reassuring smile, I then felt a small tug on my arm, I knew it was Gundham, he whispered into my ear "Remember what will happen if you get to close to any of them~", I paled a bit and I gave a small nod "Good." He said then he let go, I gave out an small sigh. Teruteru came in and brought more food and he placed it down on the table, everyone but Gundham grabbed some food, then the lights went out, everyone started to panic, I then felt a pain in my stomach "Ahhh" I screamed, I immediately placed my hands onto my stomach "Wha- Hajime! Are you okay!!" I hear Byakuya yell "U- um, I've been stabbed by someone." I said, then the lights came on, I then felt arms wrapped around me "Hajime!" It was Gundham. He buried his head on my neck "I'll kill whoever hurt you my prince." He whispered into my ear, I groaned in pain "Tana- Tanaka you need t- to be care- careful with Hinata since h- he just got stab- stabbed." Mikan said, he reluctantly let go and he gently placed me back down, "Is everything alright I heard screaming? Hajime, what happened here?" Teruteru asked, "Someone tried to murder him!" Hiyoko yelled, "A attempt of murder has happened, there would still be a class trial." Monokuma said, "I thought that only happens after an murder." I said, "Hajime, I need you to take off your shirt so I could wrapped your wounds." Mikan said, "I- in front of everyone?!" I said in shock "N- no, inside yo- your cottage Hin- Hinata- Kun." She stuttered, Gundham then picked me up, I froze up for a second, no one seemed to notice, I faked my smile at him as he carried me to his cottage.

(Mikan POV)

What's wrong with Hinata- Kun? He looked scared when Tanaka picked him up, he faked an smile at him and he froze up once Tanaka picked him up, he looked scared when Tanaka whispered into his ear... Is Hinata afraid of Tanaka...? I followed Tanaka into his cottage "Make sure you heal him completely." Tanaka said "Ye- yes Tanaka, I- I'll do my be- best t- to help him." I said, I went to Hinata, I took off his shirt and there was an stabbed wound on his stomach, I disinfected it, and I stitched the wound and after I wrapped it up in bandages.

(Gundham POV)

After the healer healed my prince, I head inside his cottage "Ma- make sure that he ge- gets lots of re- rest." She stuttered, I simply nodded, she then left, my prince was sleeping on his bed because that's what Mikan suggested. I kissed him on the cheek and then I checked my Mastermind's pad, everyone was investigating about who did it. I knew that it was the crazed fiend Nagito, Tch hurting my prince would be the last thing he does.

(Timeskipy to Teru's POV)

(Teruteru POV)

"So I could've found out about your plan and save Hajime?" I said, I felt guilty that if I wasn't in the kitchen then maybe Hajime would've not got hurt, "Yep! But you were hanging out with him and Kazuichi! I wonder why's that." He said smirking like he knew the reason, "So we all just vote for him and he's executed?" Kazuichi asked, "Yep! Just vote for the person you think tried to kill Hajime." Monokuma said, we all voted for him and it was correct and he was dragged off to his execution.


Nagito was tied onto an spinning wheel, Monokuma was in an shooting game, he shot but it missed, he kept on shooting but it missed each time, then Monokuma got mad and he fired one last time and it directly hit Nagito in the head. I nearly threw up due to the blood, we all eventually went to bed, I eventually fell asleep after a while.

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