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"Well how else should we describe you," Minho said a small hint of anger evident in his voice. Seungmin set a hand on Minho's shoulder as if to calm the male. A blonde haired Male he assumed to be Chan slammed his tray on the table taking a seat next to him.

Jeongin didn't know if it was Chan's aggression or his attitude that he feared most. The male was clearly older then him and much more built to his surprise. This also led to taking a note of 'don't piss him off' in his mind. He could tell Minho was in a bad mood and it was clear everyone else felt uneasy. The longer the silence went on the more he slipped into his own reality, only being pulled back by a voice next to him. "So who's the new kid?," Chan questioned taking a sip from his drink.

"My names Yang Jeongin. I have schizophrenia if you were wondering," Jeongin said in as friendly of a manner he could. Chan nodded seeming to have calmed down already from his mood just a few minutes ago. 'Is that what it's like to be bipolar?' Jeongin thought to himself. He'd never seen someone go from angry to happy before with just a blink of an eye. Turning back to Seungmin he saw the male successfully got Minho who was now playing with his spoon to calm down.

It was fascinating to watch how all of them interacted with each other. If he didn't know they even had disorders Jeongin would have mistaken them for normal everyday people you'd see at a school lunch table. Changbin was encouraging Hyungin to at least eat a little bit of his food while Felix teased Jisung for falling asleep at the table. To Jeongin they seemed like average friends who weren't surrounded by nurses and other patients. Finally finishing his food Jeongin stood up to throw his trash away. Making his way over to the trash can he dumped the trash, sitting his tray in the bin next to it. Turning around he started to make his way back to the table not paying to much attention to his surroundings.

A surprised gasp left his mouth as he accidentally bumped into another patient falling backwards. He landed on his butt with a thump as he looked up to see the other patient quickly reaching out a hand to help him up. "I'm extremely sorry I should have been more careful!" the male said with a bow before running off. Brushing the dirt off his pants, Jeongin finished making his way back to the table.

Minho looked at him with a worried look once he sat down. "Are you okay that looked like it hurt," Minho fretted. Jeongin gave a reassuring smile as he nodded his head 'yes'. He heard a small growl beside him turning to see a once again frustrated Chan. "That kid should've watched where he was going," He heard Chan mumble. Apparently he wasn't the only one who heard it as the others heads snapped up in shock.

"What did you just say...."
Sorry its short I know :') I was trying to get this in because I have baseball everyday so i'm busy. Also can we talk about my addiction to strawberry milk and banana milk XD Want some Strawberry or Banana milk I got chu.

Word count:568

Feather:JeonChanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang