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Hyungin gave a shy smile as he entered the room the rest of the way. "I really do hate staying behind like that, " Hyungin said rubbing the back of his neck. He took a seat next to Seungmin catching up in the conversation they were having. Jeongin kept casting glances at the door waiting for Chan to walk in. He didn't know if the older was going to come in at all but he decided to wait. He also didn't know why he had a sudden urge to talk with the male. A proper conversation hadn't been held while they were in the cafeteria so Jeongin wanted to get a chance to actually talk with the boy.

Someone must have said something funny as Jeongin watched Minho fall over laughing while the others started laughing harder. Hearing them laugh was enough for Jeongin himself to crack a smile. They seemed like a bunch of little kids who just heard the funniest thing in their whole life's. Jeongin begun laughing himself when Felix let out an accidental snort causing everyone to laugh 10x's harder if that was even possible. They sound of the door opening didn't even stop them from laughing as the mimicked the sound Felix made.

Jeongin caught Chan in the corner of his eye taking a seat next to the younger. Looking over at the blonde he couldn't help but see the smile Chan had while looking at the others. Jeongin froze when he heard the soft laughter begin to leave the elders mouth as Jisung started acting like a pig. His laugh was almost angelic as Jeongin stared in awe at the male. Changbin must have caught him staring as he started pointing at the two "awww Innie is blushing~". His head snapped in the boys direction as Changbin fell over laughing.

Thankfully the nurse interrupted them before he had to explain himself. " Alright everyone I think it's time we head back to our rooms before dinner tonight, " She said motioning for everyone to follow her out of the room. Quickly jumping off his seat he fell in line beside Seungmin who was whipping tears from his eyes, a big smile plastered on his face. The nurse once they were all in the hallway dismissed them to go to their separate rooms. Seungmin grabbed Jeongin's hand to guide him to their shared room, as Jeongin still didn't know where their room was.

Once they got into the room he noticed a fresh pair of black sheets and a black comforter on his bed. he stared in confusion as he looks at his bed. "Don't worry we all get our own color bed set so you got black, " Seungmin explained plopping down on his own bed. A small sigh left the younger as he rolled over to face Jeongin.

"You know everyone seems to really like you. Even Chan hyung likes you which is surprising, " Seungmin commented. Jeongin took a seat on his now black bed looking over at the brown haired male. He noticed the ticks Seungmin was having confused if he should say something or not. The younger let out a laugh as he stared at Jeongin "Don't worry this place can't do anything for my ticks and I'm waiting for them to learn the medication they are giving me doesn't work". Jeongin nodded deciding to ignore the ticks the male was having and starting a conversation.

" So how long have you been here, " He asked.

"I've been here for about a year. Chan and Jisung hyung have been here the longest, and I wanna say it is 4 years for them, " Seungmin answered. Jeongin was surprised by how long the two have been here even surprised by how long Seungmin had been here.

Was he gonna be here that long.....

~word count:638~

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