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"Alright his name and disorder?" A short female nurse asked the women standing in front of her. The women smiled " Yang Jeongin, my son has schizophrenia ". Jeongin's mother continued filling out paper work the hospital needed. Don't get it wrong his mother loved him but she wasn't able to be home all the time and help him. This was the last resort to help the 17 year old so his mother finally caved.

When the paper work was finished two male nurses entered the room. They looked friendly, both having a genuine smile. Jeongin turned to his mother who had a sad smile on her face. " It's for the best sweety please try to be good, " She said while a single tear fell from her eye.

The male nurses came over each taking ahold of his arms as the escorted him into the hospital. There was people everywhere some even casting glances at him as they walked down a corridor. They came to a halt infront of a door at the end of the corridor and the nurse to his left gave a small smile "This is your room, I think your roommate is in there as we speak". 'Oh no' Jeongin thought as the nurse opened the door to the room. The room was a decent size accompanied with two beds. A small brown hair boy sat on his bed staring at the nurses.

The nurses brought Jeongin into the room showing him to his bed. Jeongin cast a glance over at the brown haired boy confusing setting in when he saw the boys head twitch. One of the nurses followed his gaze before smiling " Seungmin this is your new roomate Jeongin, Jeongin this is Seungmin he has tourettes". Seungmin gave a friendly wave which he returned with a nod. The nurses soon left the room leaving both boys alone.

There was an awkward silence the filled the room as they stared at each other. Seungmin decided to say the first words "how o-old are you? ". Jeongin grinned finally happy to break the silence " I'm 17. How about you? Seungmin twitched again before answering "I'm 16! A-and don't mind my ticks there caused by my tourettes". Jeongin nodded falling silent before Seungmin piped up again.

" They didn't say what you have, " Seungmin said looking at the older.

"I have schizophrenia, " Jeongin informed him.

Seungmin opened his mouth to say something when a loud bell ringed making him jump. Seungmin let out a laugh "don't worry it's just time for lunch". He felt embarrassed for getting scared in front of the younger his mind starting to run wild. Seungmin stood up from his bed grabbing Jeongin's hand pulling him off his own. He led them out of the room and down the corridor to a giant room where people were gathering. " You can sit with me and my friends since it's your first day here and don't worry they don't bite, " Seungmin said in a joking manner. They came up to a table with six other boys sitting around talking. Jeongin noticed Seungmin looking around as if he lost something.

"Guys where's Chan? " Seungmin asked. A blue haired boy was the first to answer "Chan had a fit so the nurses are finishing calming him down". Seungmin nodded sitting down next to a grey haired boy while motioning for Jeongin to sit next to him.

" Guys this is Jeongin he's new so introduce yourself, " Seungmin said. So in turn they all introduced themselves.

"I'm Hyungin, I huh have Anorexia, " Hyungin had a raven black hair and he looked very skinny. Jeongin new what Anorexia was and he sympathized the male.

Next was a pink haired who seemed out of it when they originally sat down. "Hi I'm Felix and I have what's called Auditory hallucinations, " The boy said with a smile.

"Changbin. I-i have PTSD"

"I'm Minho, " The grey hair boy said bouncing in his seat. Seungmin gave a apologetic gaze to Jeongin "Minho has ADHD".

Lastly was a blue haired boy who seemed fast asleep with his head on the table. " That's Jisung he has insomnia so this is normal, " Seungmin explained. Minho looked up from his food pointing at Seungmin with his spoon "There's also Chan hyung, he has severe bipolar disorder hint to why he's not here right now".

" Wow great introduction of me," A voice said behind them....
So start of yet another new story sorry :') I don't think chapters for this book are going to be to long like how the chapters for Horizon are.
Leave questions and I'll do a Q/A :)
Word count:774

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