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"Did he really just say what I think he said? " Hyungin questioned.  Everyone seemed to be in complete shock as they stared at the older male. Jeongin was completely oblivious to why everyone was acting this way. 'Why is it such a shock that Chan said that? ' he thought to himself. Confused he leaned over to Seungmin who was also looking equally shocked as the others.

"Seungmin why are they all looking at Chan hyung like that?, " He asked looking at the brown haired boy. Seungmin snapped out of his shocked state looking him. "Chan has never said anything like that in the years we have known him. He normally doesn't care or show emotion like that so I guess you are special, " Seungmin explained with a slight smirk. Jeongin's eyes widened as he looked over to the blonde male sitting next to him. Chan had his head down seemly ignoring everyone and thing around him. Something didn't seem right about the older and Jeongin noticed Chan's shoulders quivering ever so slightly.

Reaching out a hand he lightly placed it on Chan's shoulder in a attempt to comfort the older. Before he had time to react he felt his hand get smacked off Chan's shoulder as he flung up from the table. "Don't fucking touch me, " Chan growled turning and leaving the cafeteria. A few nurses ran after the male to help calm him down leaving everyone at the table in shock and in silence. Jeongin looked down to see the red mark that was starting to form on his hand from where Chan had hit him. It hurt but it wasn't something he hadn't felt before and he knew Chan hadn't meant to hit him. He may have just met the male but he could tell Chan wasn't the type to hurt someone, at least not on purpose.

Another loud bell rang signaling the end of their mealtime. Seungmin stood up taking Jeongin's hand again leading him towards a break room. The others had followed them taking seats around the room some watching the TV. He looked around noticing Hyungin was missing "Hey guys where's Hyungin? ". Minho looked up from the paper he had begun to scribble on " Since he has Anorexia he has to stay behind 5 minutes to let food settle". Jeongin nodded watching Minho scribble on his piece of paper with his pen. He couldn't tell exactly what the male was trying to draw as Minho glided the pen over the paper. He took notice of the nurse standing by the door watching them as they went about their business.

He hadn't realized himself slip into his own world or the fact he begun talking out loud. It was normal for him to talk aloud but sometimes he couldn't control the volume of his voice. This being one of those times as he accidently yelled 'No' scaring the others around him. He felt a gentle touch on his shoulder as he came back to the current reality before him. The nurse who had been by the door was now standing next to him with a gentle look, "I think it's time we took our medicine". She walked over to a cabinet unlocking the door and taking out a pill bottle with his name labelled on it. He hadn't realized there was eight different cabinets each labelled with one of their names. Each cabinet was locked and required a special key which the nurse had.

She came back with a small paper cup having water in it handing the pill over to him. Taking a sip of the water he quickly swallowed the pill so he could hand the nurse the cup. She gave a small smile before walking back to her position at the door. His meds seemed to always make him sleepy as he sat in silence. A yawn escaped his mouth as he looked over at Minho and his drawing. The grey hair male seemed to have finished scribbling on the sheet of paper and was now bothering Jisung who took a seat next to him.

The sound of the door opening behind them made their head turns.

" Oh look who's finally back... "

~word count:702~

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