Chapter 3

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*WARNING sexual content ahead*

Jacky's POV

I awake to sounds all around the bus as Ronnie comes in through the door to wake me, "sound check in ten minutes" he says, then runs off to get ready with the rest of the guys again, I swear I saw a glimpse of nervousness flash across his face while looking at me. Oh well, he probably did something bad that I'll find out about later.

I sleepily get up and out of his bed where I must have crashed. I walk out of the room, grab my guitar after tying on my dark blue bandana, then walk to the building in which our show is being held.

The show went great. Same as usual, besides the awkward glances shared between Ron and Ronnie, I don't know what that was about. I was especially happy at the signing when I realized Ronnie hadn't found anyone who he'd like to snatch up for the night. I was surely surprised though because I actually did find a couple of the girls at the meet and greet quite up his expectations.

The guys looked at him funny when he finally entered the bus empty handed, like it was the oddest thing they'd ever seen. Ronnie without a slag to call his own.

Ronnie went to take a shower, not seeming to be bothered by the weird glances we all share at his absent side. Ron, Derek, Ryan and I talked about the show while he got in. We all thought each of us did amazingly, Ryan especially. His drum solos were killer, if I do say so myself. I really thought everyone did there absolute best despite the nights sleep we all got.

I run to the restroom from my sudden urge to piss and don't hear the shower running so I open the unlocked door, as soon as I opened the door though I shriek from the surprising image of Ronnie standing there stark naked.

I blush bright roseate that turns my whole body hot, mutter my apologies and run, jumping into my bunk, embarrassed. The image of Ronnie's wet, hard abs and... everything else soon make my palms sweat and my, lower region, start to harden. I bite my lip willing it to go away, but no luck. I'm stuck.

*quick little sexual stuff*

After half an hour the bus is quiet, everyone seems to be asleep and my situation still hasn't gone away. I start to slowly, stroke myself stifling a gasp from the pleasure of pressure inside me giving way. The image of Ronnie still remains fresh in my memory, I pump harder and faster trying to quiet my moans and quiet breathes of Ronnie's name. I finally release into my palm, a feeling of satisfaction washing over me.

*alright, all done*

Finally finished, I hear Ronnie's door click open then shut. He stumbles through the dark hallway. I roll over to my side so that I'm faced away from the hall and act asleep. Though I can't see him, I hear his breathe and sense his presence near my bunk. He knocks on the wood of my bunk opening the curtain to peek his unseeable head inside.

"Jacky?" he whispers as if not knowing if I lie here or not.

"Yes Ronnie?" I respond curious of what he wants of me in the middle of the night.

"I can't sleep," he says simply, as if I'm the answers to his childlike problem. "Do you want to come to my room? We can play games again." I can feel his cute little smile and quickly oblige, hopping out of my bed and following him into his room.

We both seem bored of the game as soon as it starts though, the lack of intrest apparent in both of our expressions almost instantly.

"Would you like to watch a movie instead?" He asks, "Only this time you can't fall asleep." He breathes a laugh, a small smile placed on his lips.

He turns towards me, his big brown eyes swallowing me whole, distracting me from his question for a few more moments.

"Uh, ye-yeah sure," I stutter, blushing as though he said something that could cause me to blush besides his beautiful chocolate irises. "What movie did you have in mind?" I ask trying to calm the heat on my face.

"It's a surprise," he responds winking and turning away to skillfully hide the DVD from my curious eyes.

He jumps back onto the bed and tries to get comfortable, as soon as he does I cuddle up next to him like I usually do because I can tell this is a scary movie from the opening scene. He knows I hate scary movies, but I'm fine with it because that means I get to be close to him.

I realized farther into the movie that I am so closely huddled into Ronnie that it seems my body is entangled with his. I looked up from where I was, head buried in Ronnie's chest, to find that his face was content and seemed fine with our position on his bed.

Just then a super intense murderous part is on the screen and I jump, he laughs at my reaction, and somehow, if possible, I end up getting further buried into Ronnie's safe, warm body. He looks down at me, fixing my hair and brushing it out of my face then looks back up at the screen and puts his arms around my scared little body. His touch feels amazing against my skin, his body relaxed, warm and comforting. I could stay like this forever if he'd let me.

When the movie got over with I started to get up to go back to my bunk but Ronnie pulled me back and held me tighter to his chest.

"What's wrong?" I asked a little startled.

"That movie freaked me out," he answered. I thought I was more scared of it than him. "Will you please stay in here with me tonight?" He pouted, irresistible.

I gradually nodded in answer. He seemed happier, pleased with my acceptance to staying with him, and I smiled, greatful for the opportunity to spend a night with Ronnie.

It was almost pitch black outside, you could here the rain pouring down on our bus, a storm brewing. We both just layed there silently but he huddled me closer when he saw a lightning bolt shoot across the sky. I basked in the warmth of his body, our heat mingling together, comforting me as I lay my head down on his chest, one of his arms draping over my body. His other hand lightly played with my hair lulling me to into a deep and peaceful slumber.

Thank you to everyone reading this story! Hope you like it so far. I know it's not the best fanfic out there but I'm trying. :)

If you would please comment, vote, fan and stuff!

My birthday's tomorrow then I'm going on a trip so I probably won't have a chapter up for a little while, so just keep checking back in the mean time. If you have any suggestion or ideas for me, send some messages, okay?

Until next time my lovelies, <#



Listening to 'The Kill' - Thirty Seconds To Mars

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