Chapter 5

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Jacky's POV

I found myself waking to a sudden chill on my left side. The body that kept me warm on this night gone, replaced by a heap of fabric that lay useless to my side. Ronnie must be out in the living area watching tv or something, I thought to myself.

Wiping my eyes with my hands and groggily getting up from the messy bed. I finally make my way through the dark to the closed wooden door, I hear muffled voices but think nothing of it as I quietly turn the knob, as not to disturb the others.

Shuffling down the dimly lit hallway I find my way into the makeshift livingroom to find a scene I never wanted to see in my life appear before me, a stabbing pain hitting my heart as I watch the disturbing actions play out.

Ron is moaning loudly as he and Ronnie are making out heatedly on the leather coach in front of me. He's groping Ronnie's hair and body and Ronnie's not doing anything about it, just sitting there enjoying it. My eyes start to blur from the tears I'm holding inside and I feel nauseous due to the performance going on before me.

Ron finally takes notice of my existence and a worried, anxious expression fills his now flushed face. The only word he can muster up, "Shit."

As the word escapes his mouth, that single word, I feel panicked and scared. In my panic I find myself off the bus and running down the street not looking back at the bus or turning back to the person yelling my name. I just keep running, running and running.

I slow my sprint to a jog as I come to a small park and begin walking to a black bench in the middle of this woodsy area. I begin shaking, shuddering, and my body is racking with sobs that take over turning my limbs cold and my head hot and unclear as I crouch up on the cold wooden bench.

I hear footsteps, branches crunching under someone's feet as they approach me from behind. Suddenly I'm scared of this cold, quiet place. I feel a hand come down on my shoulder, rough and warm.

I look up to find a man in his early 50s looking down at me. He's dressed in a blue and gray checkered shirt, a large navy green leather jacket and a red bandana over his long brown, gray hair. His jeans are also filthy and torn and his beard is long, you might find this guys scary but for some reason I feel safer in his presence, than when i was alone. It must be something about his eyes, they twinkle in the moonlight, their unique yellow green light shining through as they dance playfully in darkness.

"You shouldn't be here," his voice just as I imagined, raspy and deep, "This isn't a place a boy like you should be in the middle of the night. It's not safe. Especially if you're going to be as loud as you are, heard you from a mile away." he sits next to me on the small bench radiating heat from his larger body.

I sniffle and try to stop the tears from flowing, "Well why are you here then? It's late, if you haven't noticed." I reply gesturing to the dark night.

He smiles slightly and his eyes begin to dance again. "Well since you asked, I came out here to check on this person I heard in the park." he nudges my arm, "so what's wrong?" he questions.

I tell him the whole story and all the feelings I have toward the lead singer of my band. He sits their quietly and patiently only interrupting me when needed and helping me with issues during the conversation, he's a great listener. Tears begin to build up in my eyes once more though as I begin thinking about the incident on the bus. Brad (that's his name by the way) shushes me and embraces me in a big bear hug that comforts and soothes my worries. He invites me to stay at his house for the night and I agree because I really don't want to have to face the band just yet.

When we get to his house, that suits him perfectly by the way, navy green and brown, I am engulfed in the warmth of the indoors and let out a relieved breath. He brings me a blanket and pillow and apologizes for me having to sleep on the couch, but I am more than thankful for his generosity.

Once situated on his cozy brown couch I fall into a dreamless sleep, no thoughts of anyone running in my mind and am forever grateful.

Yeah, sooooo I hope you guys liked this and all. Please leave comments and vote. Also I'm sorry if it's bad but I'll be writing another chapter soon so, yeah. :)

Oh and Brad is probably really insignificant and all, I just put him in here for fun. Wanted a good guy and stuff. :)

Well anyways see ya soon lovelies <33333


{ON HOLD} A Rocky Love Story (Ronnie Radke and Jacky Vincent BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now