Chapter 6

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Ronnie's POV

I looked up just in time to see Jacky's backside running off the now more spacious bus. Panic raced within me as I shot up from my position knocking Ron to the floor in the midst of it all trying to catch Jacky.

He was too fast for me and I shout his name but he doesn't take a second glance at my tearful, regretting face. I feel so lost. Is he gone from me forever? What could I have done to him? He doesn't even like me that way. I don't understand... He just looked so angry and hurt. What did I do?

I collapse on the ground of the sidewalk fearful of the consequences I could face and crumple into a mess of tears and sorrow, choking on the air I can't hold down. Why did he leave? I didn't do anything wrong... Did I?

I drag myself back on the bus sniffling and wiping my pathetic tears away. I feel broken and I don't know why. Ron comes over to me rubbing my back but I shrug him away and walk to my room, the bed smelling of Jacks scent. I miss him already...

I just don't want to lose my best friend... That's just it, he's only my friend, he can't be anything more. I just need to act completely normal when he comes back. If he comes back...

What if he doesn't come back? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?! Why'd I let Ron kiss me? What if Jacky just doesn't like gays or something. Nah Jacks not like that.. What could it be?

I'm so lost.

I guess I'll just pretend like nothing happened. He didn't see Ron and I kissing... Well technically I wasn't kissing Ron but yeah. I just hope he doesn't bring it up, that'd be too embarrassing.

I should probably go talk and clear things up with-

*knock, knock*


A sigh escapes my lips, wiping left over wetness off my face I get up to open the door.

"Yeah Ron?"

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for it to go that far. I-I just... I'm sorry." He puts his head down like a dog that feels guilt.

"It's okay Ron. Honestly." I breath, sorrow washing out my voice. He knew I liked Jacky but maybe I was too blind to face that reality was shoving another friend in my face and that maybe I should take a chance to fall for the him instead of someone who could never love me.

"Are you sure?"

"Everything's a-okay. Go get some sleep now, we've got a show tomorrow."

He turns to leave glancing at me once with those wet, emerald green eyes... " Goodnight Ronnie".

"Goodnight Ron."

Before he turns completely I slide a delicate kiss on his cheek, a sad smile spread across his face as he climbs into his bunk and soon quiets the whole bus.

I shut the door behind me and crawl into bed. Thoughts of Jacky slip in and out of my grasp. I picture him sleeping next to me his soft snores sighing into my shoulder as I stroke his featherlike hair. I smile once more at the beautiful image of his flawless, precious face, drifting into more thoughts of an unpromised future.

Yeahhh.... I know it's horrible and all but... I'm sorry I totally forgot about wattpad and was busy writing poetry reading and doing some songwriting for a little bit. Don't hate me! D: also going through other stuff but yeah.

I'll start writing the next chapter right now so that it'll be a quicker update than this. I just wrote it really quick cause other stuff got deleted.

Anyways I really hope you, the readers enjoyed this. Keep on reading!

Please comment vote and stuff.

Have a wonderful day my lovelies <333


{ON HOLD} A Rocky Love Story (Ronnie Radke and Jacky Vincent BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now