Part 3

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After a bit of stop and go small talk, the boys headed towards the bar to get everyone a round of shots to which I protested but was thus overruled. Mina eyed Kirishima; well mainly his ass, as he walked away, "Soooo... looks like everything is going well." her heavy golden eyes flicked to mine then widened excitedly, "Yup!!! I'm totally gonna get some!" sighing I can't help but shake my head and chuckle, "What?!" my bestie looked totally shocked at my reaction, sometimes I forget that we were not kids anymore. "What am I gonna do with you?" Mina beamed with pride then grabbed my hand, "you my darling little narwhal are going to dance with me!" uh oh... "Mina no!" but try as I might, Mina manhandled me off our couch and towards the dance floor. The three boys in front of the bar hooting and hollering at us while the now named Bakugou followed their gaze seemingly unimpressed.

Heat, Humidity, and claustrophobia cascaded onto my person as I was plunged into the grinding mass of bodies on the dance floor. Instrumental electric bass and strobing synth pummeled the rest of my already drowning senses. On instinct my body tenses up, my breath held at bay but Mina simply started jumping up and down in front of me, putting her full attention on my worried expression, forcing my own attention back on her instead of the crazed sea of swaying bodies. As I started to adjust to the chaos of the rave Mina gave me a questioned thumbs up and mouthed, "You good?" taking a deep breath I nodded then started slowly trying to pick up the groove and move along with the crowd.

After the first couple of songs plus the kick back from our drinks, the bizarre dancing experience actually became kind of fun then suddenly Mina and I turned back into our goofy teen selves, dancing wildly, laughing freely.

The boys soon joined us and instead of being awkward that three handsome guys wanted to dance with us, it was truly a blast! Those goofballs did what they did best, have fun and cause a ruckus.

After what seemed like hours of dancing, My feet were starting to hurt pretty bad so I motioned towards Mina who gave me an acknowledged thumbs up before continuing to dance, well more so grind, on Kirishima. Somewhere in the front near the DJ, Kaminari managed to start crowd surfing and Sero seemed to be enjoying dancing by himself just fine. Ok maybe I overreacted a bit, clubbing can be fun, I guess... After straightening out my dress and hair I decide to take off my shoes and slip them under our couch for the time being then decided to head towards the bar to potentially get a pitcher of water for our newly formed group.

His back was to me again, popping off the top of a beer to hand to another paying customer, but I blushed still thinking about his gaze earlier. "So have you been here long?" Outside of my recognition, a man had sat down to my right and was now leaning in so I could hear him over the music. "Uh! Yes! A couple of hours I would say!" What time was it anyway? The tall man next to me nods his head, Dark curls bouncing slightly over his forehead as he did so. "Are you with anyone?" His even darker eyes scanned our area looking for anyone else. "They're all dancing, I just wanted to take a break for a minute." His eyes came back to mine and he nodded again, a handsome smile spreading across his face. "Oh I see! What are you getting?"

It might seem sad, like really sad, but it's honestly been so long since someone  actually looked at me. I mean really looked and saw me as someone to get to know, not just a nurse, not just a student, not just a daughter with responsibilities. So I smile back at this mysterious new person and feel my cheeks heat ever so slightly.

"Another long island?" Then of course I was brought back to reality as a different fantasy looked over the bar at me, pure distaste oozing from his demeanor. "Uhh I, um- Actually I was gonna ask for some water?" The bartender simply tsked at this and grabbed a glass from under the counter. The other man next to me started to speak up, "I'll have a-" Burning red eyes shot up from the water glass he was filling to the man to my right, "Did I fucking ask you yet?!" The dark haired man nearly fell off the stool he was sitting on, "Woah! Sorry!" I swear a growl almost escaped the blond's throat while he stared him down before sliding the water across the two foot space of bar in front of me. What's this guy's deal? His eyes boring holes into me before finally shifting his gaze towards the fidgeting curly haired guy, "What do you want?"

Clearing his throat, his curls bouncing as he did, "I'll have a white russian please." Another growl escaped our bartender's throat, seriously what's up with him? He was about to turn to make said drink when I piped up, "I'll have one too!" Bakugou stopped mid turn, took a very visible deep breath then continued his course. Turning towards my new comrade I out stretch my hand, "I don't know what that was but my name's Uraraka by the way!" Again, dark eyes came back my way and a smile came with it, "Nice to meet you Uraraka, Don't worry about it, Let's just enjoy ourselves hm?"

Our drinks arrived a few moments later but I did my best not to even acknowledge our bartender, leaving him to continue serving other patrons, Mr. Hot Head should know not to treat people that way. So myself and the man who I decided to call Curls due to the gorgeous dark head of curly locks descending his forehead and because I couldn't seem to catch his name and honestly I'm too awkward to ask again, we continued talking and honestly... it was really nice. It was nice to have someone be genuinely intrigued in what I had to say, Curl's dark shining eyes were glued to mine, taking in every word, nodding and interjecting only to continue my stream of the conversation.

Now I'm not saying I've never had a boy be interested in me but when you come from a small town, you already know all the eligible bachelors, which you grew up with and at some point in time have seen eat their own boogers, so the dating pool back home was slightly tainted. Plus when you grow up with these guys they again seem to know everything there is to know about you and are simply trying to tick off their to do list: 1. graduate, 2. join in the family business full time, 3. get a wife and settle down.

So this was kinda new and exciting to say the least. After a few minutes of conversation, curls leans a bit closer and asks, "So where are your friends now?" We both turn towards the dance floor and I start searching for my pink haired bestie, I can feel curls lean his arm across the bar behind me, sidling even closer next to me to follow my pointer finger towards the craziness that is the dance floor with Mina and Kirishima jumping wildly together. My cheeks heat instantly, burning at the close proximity and the way he says, "Oh I see." into my ear. My heart is racing, quickly turning away from him and back towards the bar, curls also leans back to his side but smiles warmly at me and lifts his nearly untouched drink in the air in between us, "To friendship!" My nerves calm slightly enough to lift my half empty glass up to his, "To new friendship!" his smile grows as he clinks his glass with mine, brings it to his lips, and takes a slow drink, his ever deepening gaze not leaving mine. I bring my own glass to my lips as well. Then everything happens in slow motion.

As my lips part over the glass, my eyes also on the man across from me whose smile is full and expectant, suddenly a large hand comes into view, fingers closing over the rim of my glass, brushing against my cheek. Then time speeds up.

As soon as his hold was firmly on the glass, the hand ripped it away and dashed it against the floor of the bar. "You fucking slimey fuck! I knew I should have kicked you out when I had the fucking chance!" Bakugou's voice was ringing in my ears as he screamed over the bar top, his other hand firmly grasped in the front of Curls' black button up. A bouncer then came up and grabbed up Curls from Bakugou's grip, who was squirming violently with teeth bared, to take him who knows where. By the time my heart started to beat evenly again, the bartender was back to looking bored and was cleaning up the spilled alcohol from the commotion on the bar top.

You guys... I'm seriously having fun with this one! I don't think it's going to be as long as my other stories (thank goodness!) but I have really enjoyed writing this one ♥️♥️ A

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