Part 5

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The ocean air was brisk and windy yet still incredibly humid at 12:35 AM as we walked quietly down the sidewalk in downtown Tokyo. We were out of the obnoxiously loud club but the busy traffic and rowdy night life still kept my senses overwhelmed. My eyes still hyper vigilant for any potential predator that could take my appearance and obvious nervousness for granted. But whenever someone did look my way, they immediately sought a glance elsewhere. I took my own peek at the blond I was walking with, hands deep in the pockets of his jacket, his face full of aggressive boredom, I guess this is what it means to have scary dog privileges.

As a gust of wind sends a shiver through my body and a second later my shoulders are encased in warm cotton. I try not to blush like an idiot at the kind gesture so I pull Bakugou's bomber jacket tighter around myself and desperately try not to think about the musky smell coming from it or how nice Bakugou's biceps look in his white t shirt, damn Mina and this stupid dress. "So, cheeks, I take it you're not from around here?" he says finally while chuckling. I try to tuck myself deeper into his jacket as I sarcastically reply with, "How did you guess? Also 'cheeks'?" He gives me a quirked eyebrow, "I pick a characteristic." Great  now he thinks I'm stupid, boring, and fat... This is not how I expected tonight to go. "We're here for a girls weekend before school picks back up." He nods in understanding but doesn't respond. When can I get out of this? But then again we are stuck with each other for a while, so I try to interject this time. "So Kaminari says you're a nurse." the blond tsks as we wait for the cross walk light to change, "Dumbass talks to much." I mean he kinda does... "He also said you're going back for your doctorate, any particular specialization or do you just want to be an MD? Even though your grump level is through the roof I bet you'd be good in pediatrics."

The light turned but Bakugou stay glued to the concrete as I began to walk forward. Looking back I could see the blond shake out of whatever was going through his mind and start crossing himself, as we reach the other side of the street Bakugou clears his throat, "So you're medical?" I nod, "I'm in residency at the local hospital back home." his eyebrow raises at me again, "Which is where?" "The middle of no where and completely unimportant." I can see the edge of his smirk in my peripheral, "So y'all a bunch of cowboys huh?" "Now Look Here You-!"

Before I could reprimand him on how smaller rural hospitals still follow all standard protocols while also performing duties of multiple departments due to being short staffed but also giving each patient the full and individual care they need, Bakugou ushered me through the doors of a boisterous dive bar attached to the boardwalk, one hand on the small of my back, guiding me towards a few empty bar stools.

The bartender here, a tall sturdy man with dark hair and glasses, approached us, "The usual tonight Bakugou?" The blond nodded, "I know its after last call for kitchen but can we get some fries?" The bartender began pulling a beer, "We have time limits for a reason Bakugou, you know this." as he slid the glass of amber liquid towards us, Bakugou's firm hand grabbed it, "Ya but I promised the out of towner here that you had the best waffle fries in Tokyo and I wouldn't want to disappoint ya know?" Now the spectacled worker looked my way and gave me a friendly smile, "Good evening miss, I will see what I can do but in the mean time can I get you something to drink?" I return the smile and awkwardly adjust my dress top for the billionth time, "Just some water please! I'm done drinking for the night." "Ah yes! One and done is a principal I like to uphold as well, here you are!" The man across the counter placed a water glass and straw in front of me then headed back towards the kitchen area, "Wow... he's so formal?" Bakugou took a drink of his beer, licking the foam off his upper lip, "Seriously, four eyes is a pain in the ass but does good work and gets shit done." I can't help but chuckle which earns me a side eye, "What?" I take a sip through my straw, "Do you use nicknames because it's interesting or because you can't be bothered to remember their real names?"

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