Part 6

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It was quiet for so long. Just the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore, endless deep darkness swallowing the heavy tension I had been feeling this entire weekend. The few tears that had escaped my eyes had finally dried and now myself and this stranger I barely know are sharing this breathing space, waiting for... I don't know... something.

"I'm gonna be a surgeon." I lift my head off of Bakugou's shoulder and squint at him in the dark. The lights from the pier back lighting his silhouette as he continued to look off into the vast ocean. "Really? What unit?" "Cardiology" I smile, of course he wants to be a heart surgeon, so I give him a little shove with my shoulder, "So you want the prestige huh? I should have guessed it from the beginning" The boy next to me shoved back, "The fuck is that supposed to mean? I'm gonna be the best fucking surgeon there is and not because I want the glory!" I couldn't help but chuckle at him, "Oh ya? Then why do you want to sign your 20's away to a school along with a boat load of debt for?" That little smirk on the side of his mouth tipped up again, "The same reason you do." "You want a ton of money?" Quirking an eyebrow at me, my brain finally caught up and I burst out in a blush, "I-I mean you want to help people right?!"

His laughter lit up the beach as he stood up and reached a hand down for me, "Ya cheeks to help people, although once I'm well established I'm sure the salary won't be too bad either." Not even looking up at him I turned and headed towards the stairs, Bakugou fell in step right behind me. We took a moment to brush off our feet and put our shoes back on then started up the stairs towards the pier. "So I should probably get you back to your car." Of course he wants to get rid of me. Nodding I start leading the way back and the noise from the city started flooding back in.

As we reached the parking garage and step into the elevator I sigh, "We're from a small country town. It's one of those one road towns that only has a gas station, a liquor store, and the local bar. Mina and I met each other in high school, she lived in the next town over but we could bike to each other's houses pretty easy." The tall blond beside me was quiet but still waited for me to exit the elevator first on my floor, his hand keeping the door open just in case.

As I remembered the direction our rental was parked at I chewed on the inside of my cheek. Finally we arrived by the vehicle and I turned towards the him abruptly, "Ya, I went into medical for the money and even though hospitals don't pay nurses nearly enough for the shit we go through it's better that being stuck behind the counter of a seven eleven for the rest of my life!" I know my face was red with frustration but I clung to his man's jacket and continued. " All my siblings may be fine running the family farm until they can have kids and then pass it down to them but I'd rather die than to be stuck in that town for any longer than I had to! I just want to have my own house someday with my own things and my own room and my own food and my own damn toothbrush without the worry that someone else has put their germs on it! I just happened to be good at math and science in school so nursing just seemed right, I-I don't know... I just... want to do something actually important with my life...I-"

Gosh dang it I feel stupider than a mule right now. Here in front of me is basically the man of my dreams; smart, confident, down right sexy, looked out for me, bought me fries while quietly listened to my rantings and all I can do it look at my shoes that are currently murdering my toes, Damnit Mina! The attractive blond currently on my mind cleared his throat, peeking up at him he had his hands in his shorts pockets but was staring straight at me, "Look, I don't give a shit why you want to do what you do. You don't owe anybody shit. I also don't give a fuck about where you come from and honestly... fuck that town and fuck anybody who thinks you can't do whatever the fuck you want! The only thing I have to ask is, is that all you want to do? Why not go all the way? Why give up climbing the ladder as soon as you make it in the doorway?" Quirking an eyebrow at him I mull over what he said, "You mean, become a doctor?" he nodded at me. Blinking a few times I ponder the idea then look back up at him, his expression was grumpy but comfortable, a smile started to spread on my face, "Ya... I should shouldn't I?" He huffed at that, "All I'm saying is that you shouldn't half ass anything, you seem pretty damn capable and if you want something you should see through it to the end. Speaking of of which..." His hands came out of his pockets as he stepped towards me.

One of his hands gravitated to my waist while the other reached up to my cheek, he breathed onto my lips as he leaned in, "I've been wanting to do this all night." I didn't even have time to flutter my eyes closed before he kissed me, soft but purposeful, he had light freckles across the bridge of his nose.

He opened his eyes to look into mine after a moment, our lips disconnected but the moment wasn't over. We stared at each other as time seemed to halt it's onward progression. Wow, was all I could think of. Bakugou backed up slightly, his hands still in place, the one on my cheek brushed its thumb across my lips, "We should probably go check on the dumbasses huh?" my face was probably red as a tomato but I nodded obediently. "You good with driving?" I nod again, still not quite able to form words. "Cool, I'm guessing shitty hair won't be able to get himself back so I'll go with you to collect him." Nodding yet again, Bakugou smirked down at me, "You ok cheeks?" predictably I continue to nod at him, completely flushed down to my collar bones.

He removed his hands from my person but stayed by my side to open the driver's side door for me. Before I got in I just had to ask, "um, Bakugou, w-why to you call me cheeks?" I could feel my face burning alive as I said it but I had to know, did he think my face was that round? Was that the first thing people saw when they met me? One of my hand instinctually touched the side of my face. Bakugou's gaze narrowed on mine, his arm lazily draped over the open door, "Everyone's got more that one set of cheeks, cheeks." Alright! That was not what I was expecting! Hell what was I expecting him to say in the first place! In a split second I had jumped into the car to get away from is smirking gaze and completely ignore the last thirty seconds of my life but as I readjusted the seat to preoccupy my hands, he made one more comment before shutting the door, "But actually your whole face lights up when you blush... and by the way Uraraka, you're cute as shit when you get all worked up." And with that the door clicked shut and I had another complete meltdown in the twenty seconds it took him to walk to the other side of the four door nissan skyline.


Hello lovelies! It's been a hot second since I've updated this story but I really love it. And even though it's not my most believable tale but I still really love the dialog which I feel I am getting better at. Anyway! Have a lovely day <3 A

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