Part 4

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"Wha- What just happened?!" the words finally found me, even though he didn't look at me fully, the blond spoke to answer my question, "You were almost roofied sweet cheeks." Eyes blown wide, mouth agape I try and fail to take in the new information, so the bartender continued, "Another chick saw that douche bag slip something into your drink while you were pointing out shitty hair and your pink friend." All I could do was blink at him, when I didn't answer his eyes finally found mine, "You ok?" Was I ok? I'm certainly upset, but with what I'm not sure. Am I more upset that I was almost drugged or that the one time I finally found someone intriguing they turn out to be shady or am I upset that Mr. Hot Head was right in the first place? So I answer honestly, "I don't know" The red eyed man across from me nods understandingly, "It's fucked up, that shit shouldn't happen to you. Here..." I watch him as he refills my water, "How about you go sit down on that couch and take a breather." I have nothing to say back except 'thank you' but I grab the filled cup and walk back to where my shoes and purse is to try and sober up.

As I sit down, two of our group come into view, one not doing so hot. Kaminari is a stumbling mess while Sero holds him up, "Eh amiga! I'm going to take him home so he doesn't puke on any of the chicas out there! Can you tell Kiri and Bakugou that we are heading back to the hotel?" I give him a neutral thumbs up with a fake smile, "Ok! Sure, Be safe!" cringing on the inside I hear the very drunk blond laugh loudly, "Ok MOM!" Sero also gives me a fake smile before pulling Kaminari with him towards the entrance. Now I guess I have to wait for Mina. Where is she anyway? As I scan the crowded mass of body heat and synth I can't seem to pick out the bubblegum pink hair of my best friend or Kirishima.

Reaching under the couch I find my shoes and my purse, just my purse. "Oh don't tell me!" As I fish out my old flip phone from the tiny purse Mina lent me I can feel my sense of dread heightening, "Come on come on!" finally pulling it out I see '6 unread messages' from Mina and mutter "shit" under my breath as I open what she sent me.

"Hey girl, Kiri's gonna take me back to the hotel! Operation 'GET SOME' is a go!" "Kiri called an Uber so I put the rental key in your purse." "sorry for ditching ya, but I had to shoot my shot" "Also what's up with tall dark and handsome at the bar? I want deets!" "I'll text you when the coast is clear ;)"

After her spam of texts she also sent a blurry selfie of them kissing in the back of the Uber they were in. Slapping my phone closed I close my eyes as well and try to breath. Ok so I'm here alone, Mina's gone, the boys are gone, I was almost drugged which means I was probably almost raped and murdered, and now I'm stranded in down town Tokyo by myself till Mina gets her rocks off and by the plethra of stories she tells me, its gonna be awhile.

For the next I don't know how long my emotions do cartwheels as I spin from dread to anger to anxiety and back. Checking the clock it hits midnight and a few tears spill down my cheeks. What do I do? Where should I go? Where can I go? I have family near Osaka but that's a few hours from here and plus they probably don't want my miserable ass showing up at two in the freaking morning! Before my thoughts can get any more pathetic, someone sits down or rather flops down next to me. Gathering my composure I take in the white vans hiked up on the table in front of me, trailing up long legs to black board shorts then across the slightly dirty white t-shirt, now surrounded by a black leather bomber jacket and all the way up to Bakugou's face that is leaned back along the back of the couch, eyes closed.

His breath is even but heavy, one of his elbows perched on the back of the couch behind me. "Um, Bakugou?" "Huh?" His eyes stay closed, his body relaxed. "Uh What are you doing?" "Off shift, tired." bewilderment overcomes me, "You can sleep like this? I mean with all this going on?" the bass had never ceased the whole time we were here and even amidst the red and orange neon the scarlet eyes that creep open to look at me were bright, "I'm used to it." his eye lids return closed for a moment longer before groaning as he sits up. "So where are the Neanderthals at? I want out of this shit hole stat." I fiddle with the edge of my too short dress, "They left." If he was sleepy before, now he was wide awake, "What?!" "Sero took Kaminari back to your hotel room cause he was super drunk and Kiri is with Mina back at my hotel room to... uh.. ya know..." after I explained the situation his death glare nearly made a squeak escape my body. Bakugou squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose in attempt to contain the bubbling rage, "Those fucking idiots! I swear their ass is grass when I get back, especially shitty hair! What the actual fuck!"

The nervous giggle that bubbled out broke his mini tirade, snapping his attention back to me. "The fuck is so funny?!" Looking up at black ceiling and multitude of blazing lights the situation as a whole makes me laugh even more with tears threatening to escape, "Looks like all our friends suck, people are horrible, and the world is a fucking nightmare. But at least you have a place to crash where I have to wait till Mina's done boning." Looking over at the man next to me, the surprise on his face indicates that that wasn't what he was expecting me to say. "So, ya. I guess we're in a bit of a pickle here huh?" We both flop back on the couch and watch the swirling crowd for a few moments.

"You hungry?" his question startles me, "Huh?" he tilts he head in my direction, "I said, Are you Hungry? Cause I'm gonna get a migraine if I stay here any longer and I'm not leaving your sorry ass by yourself." Chewing on the inside of my cheek I debate the offer, "Look, If it makes you feel more at ease, the place I'm thinking of is only a couple blocks away and has killer fries. We can hang out there for an hour or so till the idiots are done banging and then I'll walk you to your car. It's not my first option and I'm guessing probably not yours either but Its the best we can do right now. So... You in or not?" I narrow my eyes at him, "Are they regular fries or waffle fries? Cause if they're not the latter I think I'll stay put." His small smirk turns into a huge grin, "Waffle or fucking nothing, I like it."


So I've been on and off working on this story for a couple months now and I've been wanting to get it out of my drafts so here's to all the posts! Enjoy <3 A

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