Life Cycle of an LGBTQ+ kid

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Welcome fellow people, we shall have a look at the life cycle of an LGBTQ+ kid. Technically this was how I became an LGTBQ+ member, so yeah let's have a look at it. 

5 years old: Thinks that it's compulsory to marry the opposite gender, and if a person marries the same gender, the earth could explode. 

7 years old: Thinks that marrying the same gender is impossible but if it was real it could've been amazing. 

10 years old: Homophobic cause bad information by given by other homophobes. 

12 years old: Supports gay rights cause now understands it. 

14 years old: Gets into LGBTQ stuff but isn't an LGBTQ member. 

15 years old: Wait. 

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