The next move

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Larry pov:

In the next morning, I woke up with a headache. I walked to laurents room to find he wasn't there. I went downstairs and found him in the kitchen.

"WYD?" I asked.

"Bagging food. We gotta go now. I suggest you to pack a bag of clothes. We need to get our $ from the bank." Laurent explained.

I glanced outside the living room window and saw cop cars.

"We got company." I said and ran into the walk in closet.

I climbed on top the shelf and laid down flat. I hope laurent found a good place to hide. I could hear the cops busting through the door. The cops screamed and shouted,


There was so much noise. Minutes later, things got quiet. I slowly climbed down from the shelf and saw the closet door torn off the hedges. I was scared to walk out the closet. The living room and kitchen was completely torn apart.

"Laurent." I whispered.

"Over here, help." Laurent whispered.
But I didn't see him. Walked in the kitchen and asked,

" Where are you? "

"Under the sink, open the door." Laurent begged.

I bend down and opened the sink cabinet door. Laurent slid out with bottles of cleaning products. I was surprised his 6'4" self could fit in there.

"We gotta get out of here right now." Laurent angrily said.

We packed a bag, got in my white Lamborghini and went to a bank.

Laurent pov:

My back was sore from squeezing myself under the sink. That was too close. I'm glad Larry is finally listening to me. I have no idea where we going but our next move is to get all our $ out of the bank. Only problem is can we do it without getting noticed. We walked in the bank with black shades on. When we talked we tried to hide our french accent. The banker didn't even look up at us. Thank god. As we were leaving with our $, the banker then realized who we were and said,

"Hey you guys."

We ran out of the bank and left in full speed.

On the run: a les twins storyWhere stories live. Discover now