At the end of the day

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Laurent pov:

We were sent to the LAPD station for questioning. we were put in separate rooms. I was tased in the rib . I can't believe I'm about to go to jail for a crime i didn't commit. I may never see Violet beautiful face again. I may never dance again. An officer escorted Violet out the station as I watched her from the interagation room. She said something to me, but I couldnt hear what she said. I think she said,

"please, dont tell."

We went straight to jail for a week. Thank god Larry and I were put in the same cell. But unfortunately, we weren't alone. There was a huge black man was standing silently behind us.

"You guys are les twins ain't you?" The man said.

I quivered in fear and started to whine like a child. I turned to Larry and stood behind him.

"Please don't rape us. I'm not gay." Larry begged.

The man approached us and said,

"Can you teach me to dance? "

Larry and I turned to each other in a confused manner.

"Huh..Okay." We both said.

I quickly learned that if you're caught having fun, you'll get beat up by the guards. Surprisingly, we had no problems with others jail mates. After we spent a week in jail our court day arrived. As I walked behind Larry in handcuffs, he whispered,

"This is our last night in jail."

"What you talking about?" I whispered.

"I got evidence. Just follow my lead" Larry replied.

I was disappointed that I didn't see violet in the court room. I hope she didn't move on. I just hope and pray this so called evidence Larry had is good enough to prove our innocence.

Larry pov:

We entered the courtroom. Of course destiny had lots of evidence. But I got the real evidence. When it was our turn to speak. I approached the stand alone.

" Where's your lawyer? " The judge asked.

"Your honor, I have refused to have a lawyer. However I would like to request to have my belongings presented to the court. I have evidence to prove me and my brother innocent of all crimes." I explained.

Destiny shook her head and smiled. Laurent had a very confused look on his face. The judge approved my request.

"What evidence do you have Larry or laurent? " The judge asked.

"Excuse me, security, could you please grab my watch from the bag." I Kindly asked.

The security guard removed the watch from the bag and handed the watch to the judge. As the judge admired the watch, I continued to explain,

"Your Honor, That watch is also a phone. There is a message on that watch. Please play it, and you'll know that my brother and I are innocent."

The judge played the voice message on the watch. The conversation destiny had with us in the slaughter house was recorded. see, when destiny shot me in the arm, once i fell on the floor, the record button was pushed. The ppl in the courthouse was in a uproar. I think most of the ppl there were fans. The judge continously slammed the gavel.


I turned to Laurent and smiled. Laurent smiled back. When ppl in the courtroom calmed down, the judge made his ruling. Destiny was arrested for false reports, misuse of police force, tampering with evidence, murder and more. I almost felt bad for her....almost! Laurent and I were released.

Laurent pov:

I was so happy we were proven innocent. After the handcuffs were removed, we jumped in each other arms.

"I Told you I would get us out! " Larry said and kissed my cheek.

The ppl cheered. As we gathered our things i found two tickets in my wallet to paris, france. I gave one of the tickets to larry. While we walked through the exit doors, I finally realized what violet was telling me while being escorted. She wasn't saying "please don't tell." She was saying "foxy motel." Violet wanted me to find her. I turned to larry and asked,

"Is the money there?"

"Only $500,000." Larry angrily answered.

"Cool, i gotta go. find a place to stay. Split the money in half. Meet me at the airport tomorrow morning. Understand? " I demanded.

"Wait a minute, where you going?" Larry wondering.

"I gotta make sure violet is ok." I said and ran. I ran down the streets as if no one else existed. Half way to the foxy motel, i came across a skateboard. I was skateboarding in the bike lane. Almost got hit by a car two times before I arrived. Short of breath, i remember something violet said to me. "My favorite number is lucky seven" i went to the door with the number seven on it. I knocked continously. When the door opened, i saw violet happy and yet surprised face. I walked in the room. Hugged her and lifted her off the ground. We kissed each other, passionately. With her legs wrapped around my waist, i carried her into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

Violet pov:

I was so happy my baby returned to me. He must have been released early. I missed him so much. I waited for him. I knew he would find me. Love always finds it way home. The feel of his lips on my mine drove me insane. I refuse to resist his lust for me. When he carried me into the bathroom, we made love in the shower.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too violet. " Laurent said as he dazed in to my eyes. I never felt anything so powerful and good in my life. Laurent made me rain like waterfalls. In the middle of the night, I woke up in the bed. The sheets were damp. So was my hair and body. I turned around and laurent wasn't there. I wondered where he went. I found a note next to my head. I sat up and covered my nude body with the sheets. I began to read the note:

"Dear violet, I'm sorry to leave you to wake up alone. You look so angelic when u sleep. I'm sure you're wondering where I am. I'm in paris, france with larry. I miss you so much. I want you to be with me as long as I'm breathing. (Look at your hands)...."

I looked at my hands and saw a silver ring with a skull on it. The skull had diamonds for eyes. I covered my mouth in absolute shock. I continued to read the note:

"I hope your answer is yes. I appreciate everything you've done for me. I love you so much. Love laurent. P.S. your ticket to paris is on the night stand." I rushed to the nightstand and saw the ticket. I Kissed the ticket and smile greatly. I wrapped the sheets around my body and walked to the window. I stared at the stars and wondered what should I do. Should I go? Should I stay? Is laurent serious about this? There is only one way to find out....

On the run: a les twins storyWhere stories live. Discover now