Call it a night

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Laurent pov:

Unfortunately, we didn't pack as much food as we thought. When I realized we ate all our food, I turned my attention to larry as I sat in the passenger seat.

"Man I'm still hungry. "I complained.

"Yeah me too. Let's hit up a drive thru." Larry mentioned.

We drove to a McDonald's drive thru. Larry parked in the parking lot and we ate our food there. As I sipped my cup of sprite, I received a text message of my horoscope. After I read it to myself I shared it with larry. The text stated,

"You will be blessed by someone presence in cool colors. Beware accidents can happen. "

Larry laughed and said,

"Yeah right. The only thing I agree with is the last part."

"I'll tell you what. If this text is wrong. I'll give you $20. If not, you owe me $20." I said.

"Deal." Larry said and shook my hand.
I looked out the window and saw a woman leaving Mcdonald. This woman was so fine and curvaceous. She had a white tank top, denim shorts and purple Jordans to match her shoulder length wavy hair. I watched her hips switch as she walked to her car.

"Damn! Larry, look!" I said and pointed to the woman.

"She's fine." Larry said

"Give me $20." I demanded.

"For what? " Larry asked.

"The horoscope was right. She's the person in cool colors." I pointed out.

"Man, get out of there with that." Larry said with an attitude.

"Come on, it's her." I yelled.

"No it ain't. " Larry argued with me.

"Yes it is!" I shouted.

"Stop yelling. Look, if you hit that, I'll be convinced. Until're wrong." Larry replied.

I was so irritated with Larry. He just can't take it when I'm right. The woman got into her car and started the engine.

"Hey let's follow her." I suggested.

"We can't be following ppl with our situation. "Larry reminded me.

"I don't want me to win the bet. "I replied with a smile.

"Noooo, that's not it. "Larry said.

"Follow her then." I teased larry.

We followed her until she stopped.

Larry pov:

It's 8 pm and I can't believe laurent has talked me into following a complete stranger. This better be worth my wild. Plus, I was curious to see if laurent could really pull this off. The woman stopped at at motel right outside of Los Angeles. We waited to see the woman walk into room number 7. Laurent walked out of the car and signal me to follow him. I shook my head at him and stayed in the car.

"Come on, Larry." Laurent asked.

"No, that's your so called blessing. You go handle that." I said .

Laurent came back to the car and said,

"Get out the car before I drag you out. "

"Try it." I dared laurent.

Laurent started to roughly pull on my shirt.

"OK OK, I'M COMING!" I shouted.

I stepped out the car and walked to room number 7. Laurent knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"You know what you going to say?" I whispered.

"Not really." Laurent nervously replied.

"Oh my god. " I said under my breath. A woman answered the door and asked,

"Can I help you? "

Laurent and I looked at each other in confusion. The woman who answered the door was not the same woman we saw at McDonald's. However, she was just as fine as the other woman. the longer I looked at her I realized they looked just alike. The only difference was the color of her hair. The woman's hair was long and dark red.

" yes you can help me I believe you dropped this at McDonalds." Laurent lied as he handed her $5 bill. I silently chuckled as the woman took the money.

" who are you guys?" The woman asked.

" my name is Laurent and this is my brother Larry."

"Y you tell her our real names stupid? " I angry whispered.

" haha I wasn't at McDonalds I believe you met my sister. Wait here."the woman said and closed the door. When The door opened again, the other woman came to the door. As the two women stood next to each other I realized they were twins.

"DAMN!" I shouted and quickly covered my mouth. Laurent Quickly slapped my shoulder. I apologize to the ladies. The ladies smiled and said

"would you two like to come in?"

On the run: a les twins storyWhere stories live. Discover now