Part 6

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Banner smashed the ground sending a couple aliens into the air. Bucky was shooting from all sides, just trying to keep himself alive.

Though one alien was lucky enough to get in his face and knock him to the ground.

Black Panther and Captain America fought, backs to each other. Steve was loving the shield.

Rhodey continued to throw explosives at the entry way along with his back up gun, shooting at every alien it saw.

Rhodey was hit out of the air by a giant hammer, which ironically was carried by a giant alien.

Black Panther was getting thrown around by two hungry aliens and Steve was barely fighting off his own end.

Banner was getting mauled by multiple aliens in all directions, it was clear that the defenders were losing.

"There's too many of 'em!" Banner yelled as the aliens continued to scratch at the suit.

Before anyone could even realize what was coming, a large blast strike, hit the earth near Banner.

The aliens blasting back as a blue Thunder hammer came spiraling out.

The hammer hit the aliens trying to eat Kitty, Steve, and Banner as Thor, Groot, Rocket, Pietro, and Tamara came out.

"This is definitely a change of scenery." Pietro said as he looked around, his white tipped hair was brighter than ever along with his blue suit.

Tamara had managed a new body suit, a tinted purple, making her light silver hair pop.

"Didn't see that coming." Tamara said as she too looked around.

Banner laughed out loud," You guys are so screwed now!" Tamara giggled at that.

"Bring me Thanos!" Thor yelled as he began running into attack mode.

Tamara and Pietro feel back a bit, Tamara ran beside Bucky as he handed her, her gun.

"Thank you. I see you've used most of the ammo." Tamara said as they ran.

"You were gone for hours." Bucky retorted.

"Half an hour at most." Tamara said as she loaded her gun. "Plus we had to make a quick stop." She nodded her head to Pietro.

Groots yells were undeniably adorable, Tamara couldn't help but laugh every time she heard them now.

Thor suddenly jumped into the air, Thunder bolts surrounding him before he flew down and hit the ground with his hammer creating a wave of aliens to die by Thunder strike.


Vision was twitching as Savannah and Shuri continued to get further and further in the process of getting the stone out.

They were about half way done when Wanda suddenly decided to leave.

"Wanda!" Savannah said before the red head could reach the door.

"You need to be here when we get the stone out." Savannah said as the two worked faster.

"I can't just stand by and watch all of our friends get destroyed." Wanda said before leaving quickly.

"What are we supposed to do now once we get it out?" Shuri asked as her finger continued through the hologram.

"We just have to get it to Wanda." Savannah said.


"Come and get some, space dogs!" Rocket yelled as he quickly became trigger happy.

Bucky picked up the raccoon by the back of his suit and spun around, hitting the aliens from both sides.

Tamara was creating portal after portal, sending aliens in one side and falling out of the sky the next.

Pietro was looping around the aliens, having a knife in one hand and just being fast, having killed each one he came in contact with.

"Come on! Get some!" The trigger happy raccoon said before Bucky dropped him back to Earth.

"Y'know, I always thought aliens would be cool! Now they just suck like hell!" Tamara yelled as she shot a rapid fire on four aliens behind her.

"How much for the gun?" Rocket asked.

"Not for sale." Bucky muttered as he focused on shooting the targets.

"Okay. How much for the arm?" He then asked.

Bucky glanced down at the raccoon before walking off to somewhere he might be needed.

"How about you, Princess, how much for the gun?" Rocket turned to Tamara.

"Don't call me princess, rabbit, and it's the only one I have." Tamara said as she shot and alien and then created a portal, sending two off into the sky.

"How much for the leg?" Rocket asked.

"If I had a good one, why would I give it to you?" Tamara asked.

"You wouldn't." Rocket shrugged as he grinned shooting off more aliens.

"Good luck prying this off me then." Tamara chuckled and walked off leaving the raccoon to fend for himself.

"Oh, I'll get those limbs." Rocket said as of already planning a heist.


"New haircut?" Steve panted as him and Thor killed multiple aliens.

"Noticed you've copied my beard." Thor said as he motioned to his chin hair.

Groot yelled as he impaled three aliens on his arm.

"By the way, this is a friend of mine, Tree." Thor motioned to the mossy root still holding the dying aliens.

"I am Groot!" The tree said trying to make it clear to Thor.

"I am Steve Rogers." Steve announced himself.


Shuri glanced over at Wanda seeing as a guard had to come and bring her back.

Savannah was surprised that Wanda didn't think about using her abilities to go out and help.

Savannah and Shuri could hear the rumbling from outside as Wanda stepped towards the window.

"Fall back! Fall back, now!" Savannah heard T'Challa command.

Savannah looked up to see Wanda in deep thought. She knew she had to make this decision, if she didn't, she didn't know who else would die.

"Go." Savannah told Wanda making Shuri and Wanda look to her.

"Go and help everyone out there, take this-" Savannah said pausing her assistance and tossing Wanda an earpiece. "-and we'll call you back as soon as it's done." Savannah said sternly.

Wanda quickly put the earpiece in and left, none of guards tried to keep her back his time.


"Focus that fire on the left flank, Sam." Rhodey told Savannah's fiancé as he flew around.

"I'm doing it." Sam said as he shot at the flank with Rhodey, only after multiple shots did it catch fire.

Natasha was having a rather difficult time warding off aliens as she and the head woman fought together.

When the two saw the giant wheels, they were prepared to run, but Wanda came out with Tamara as Pietro got people out of the way.

Wanda immediately pulled up two of the wheels while Tamara made the other two disappear.

They reappeared, smashing against the top of the spaceships that were scattered outside the barrier.

Natasha and the head woman ducked and covered as Wanda brought the wheels down, crashing into the aliens around them.

The head woman was in disbelief, "Why was she up there all this time?"

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