Part 8

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Steve fought the male alien with the staff against shield. Steve was winning.

He managed to knock the staff out of the male aliens hand with his shield until the male got ahold of Steve neck and slammed him against the log behind them.

He fell over it and rolled down the small dirt hill only gaining a second or two to breathe until the male began to strain him.

Savanna quickly let go of Vision and grabbed the staff as Pietro sat on another log, keep Vision within reach.

Savannah stabbed the male alien, and just to be sure he wouldn't be back anytime soon, she pushed further and lifted him into the air before throwing the staff and his body away.

"That was for Tamara and I." Savannah panted as he'd and Steve caught their breaths.

Savannah fell to her knees as she suddenly felt the pain. The pain from when she was thrown out of the window.

A glass shard was embedded in her back side as Steve rushed to her.

"I thought I told you to go." Steve said as he looked at the shard, it was a pretty good size to do damage.

"Do I ever do anything you tell me to." Savannah chuckled lightly but winced.

"I thought I told you all to go." Steve said looking back at the other two.

"We don't trade lives, Captain." Vision said as he grasped his broken body.

"And I'm pretty sure I remember someone saying something along the lines of, "we win together, or we lose together." Pietro added with a grin.


The warriors chanted in Xhosa as Thor spread thunder along the rest of the aliens. He made an entire war ship explode as he went to finish off the rest of them.

Tamara went to go find her brother as Wanda went to go find her boyfriend.

The others were still fighting off the last of the aliens and keeping them away from Wakanda.


Wanda landed near a log where Tamara had found Vision.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asked as Tamara took a step back.

Vision groaned making both of the girls worry.

"What? What is it?" Wanda asked as she grasped his face.

"He's here, I can feel it." Tamara said as Wanda looked to Vision for conformation, he nodded.


The wind howled as Steve looked up with Savannah and Pietro.

It felt strange, something was off, not right.

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming." Steve warned.


Sam and Natasha stood, ready to fight as they looked around, it was obvious to everyone something was going to happen.

"What the hell?" Natasha asked

T'Challa and his head woman stayed alert as they looked around closely, not knowing what to expect.

Banner looked around in confusion until he heard something, then saw it.


All of them saw it, but Thanos directed his attention to Tamara as she knelt down and drew a circle around her body.

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