Part 9

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Thor looked confused as he looked at the burning glove on Thanos's hand.

"What did you do?" Thor asked as he looked around.

"What'd you do?!" Thor asked again, instead of an answer, Thanos created a portal and fell through it, leaving Thor's hammer on the ground.

"Where'd he go?" Steve panted. "Thor. Where'd he go?" Steve asked again.

"Steve?" Bucky asked as he walked forward, his arms was turning into dust along with the rest of his body. His gun fell on the ground as Savannah let out a choked cough.

"He did it. He snapped his fingers." Tamara said as she looked over at Savannah.

"Tammy." Savannah called, Tamara looked over to see her best friends legs start to dust.

"Take care of Paul-" Savannah dissolved as Tamara looked to Steve with a horrified expression.

"Wanda!" Tamara yelled, she heard nothing in response. "Wanda! Pietro!" Tamara heard no response.

People began to disappear, and not like Tamara did when she went through portals, but into dust, like how people would when they died.

She heard Rhodey call out for Sam, but she knew he was gone too.

"There gone." Tamara whimpered. "There all gone." She said as she looked up to Steve.

"What is this?" Banner asked

"What the hell is happening?" Rhodey asked.

"Oh, God." Steve panted.

One Week Later.....

"Auntie Tammy?" Paul asked as she held his hand to Sam and Savannah's house.

"Yeah, Paul?" Tamara answered as she pulled out her key and placed it in the lock.

"Where are mommy and daddy?" He asked, Tamara froze with the key in the lock before taking a shaky breath and looking back down to Paul.

She knelt down to his height as she took his hands into hers.

"Mommy and daddy went on a trip...a vacation..." Tamara told him shakily.

"Will they be back soon?" Paul asked with a small smile.

"They'll be back as soon as they can." Tamara told him before getting back onto her feet and opening up the door.

A couple hours after Thanos, Tamara found out why she felt so torn apart on the inside. It was because somehow, Thanos took away her powers.

She tried to make a portal but nothing happen, she tried to scream but it wasn't like her old sonic scream it was like a regular scream.

She didn't really want to know if her quick healing was still there, or go through the lengths to get that answer.

Tamara lost a lot only a week ago, her best friends, her brother, her sister, her boyfriend, she lost half of herself, almost more.

But she still gained in a way that Tamara was ready to think about yet. She gained a house, a kid, and she gained what she hadn't even realized she had yet.

Her phone buzzed and Logan's photo popped up.


Hey, are you still there? Not a lot of people have made it but if you're there, I'm still here.

Tamara sighed as she answered.

I'm here, but you're right, a lot of people are gone.

Tamara saw that the message was read and three dots arrived.

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