the party - chapter one

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"Oh look, it's Rebecca the whore!" One of the popular girls said as they walked past Rebecca. The girls group giggled.

Rebecca held back tears and began to walk faster.

"Bro, she's kinda cute." One of the jocks whispered from somewhere behind Rebecca.

Rebecca stopped taking stuff out of their locker to listen to the athletes speaking to each other.

"You didn't hear bro?" The other asked.

"Hear what bro?"

"She has two soulmates, she's a whore."

"Oh damn, that's a shame." The first responded before closing his locker loudly, causing Rebecca to jump slightly.

"Uh- hey, Jessica .. Right?" Rebecca asked, looking up at the taller girl in front of them.

"Yeah, what do you want?" The blonde asked, looking Rebecca up and down with a bit of a disgusted look.

"Uh- about the English assignment.. Can we partner up for it?"

"No sorry, I don't partner with losers." She responded before walking away.

Rebecca sighed as they remembered their high school years. But now, they were at college. They had an apartment to themself and they were doing decently okay for themself.

Ring.. Ring.. Ring..

The brunette let out a small groan as they rolled off their couch to go retrieve their phone from the kitchen. They trudged in and snatched it up from the wood counter top. "Laura, what do you want this time?"

"Wow you're in a snappy mood today Becs. But, I know just how to lighten you up! Get your Halloween costume on, we're going to a party!" Rebecca's best friend said from the other side of the phone.

Rebecca panicked slightly, wracking their brain for an excuse.

"No excuses!" Laura stated.

"Wa- how did you-"

"You're really predictable."

Rebecca let out a sigh, but couldn't help but smile a bit. "Fine, I'll go get ready."

"Yay! I'll be there in fifteen." Laura said with a laugh."Alright, see ya." The brown haired girl shut their phone before going into their closet to retrieve their costume. It was a simple costume, a demon. It consisted of plastic horns, a bright red tank top, a darker red flannel, a red skirt and some black combat boots. The girl also applied some red lipstick and put their hair up in a high ponytail.

A honking came from outside Rebecca's apartment. "Hurry up bitch!" Laura shouted.

Rebecca couldn't help but laugh a bit at their friends being so loud. They left their room and gathered up their phone wallet and keys, shoving it into a small backpack, along with extra clothes and some other necessities. They exited their apartment, locking it behind them. Exiting the hallway they went over to their friends Ford. They got into the passenger's seat but before they could even buckle their seatbelt, Laura was already driving off.

"Fucking hell Laura! Are you trying to bash my head into the window??" Rebecca shouted at their friend's reckless driving.

"What are you talking about? I'd never even hurt a fly." The blonde responded.

"Yeah says all the flies on your windshield."

"They did that themself."

Rebecca couldn't help but laugh at Laura's statement. The rest of the ride was just Rebecca and Laura making fun of each other, like normal. But soon enough they got to the party. Rebecca began to feel a mild tingling sensation on the back of their shoulder, where one of their soulmates sentences were. However, Rebecca just ignored it for now. They both got out and Laura grabbed Rebecca by the wrist, dragging the girl inside.

"I'll go get the drinks, you go socialize, okay?" Laura stated, but Rebecca didn't have enough time to answer as their friend was already swallowed by the crowd of drunk college students.

Rebecca shook their head and went to find a place to sit down. But as they were passing a table they heard a familiar voice.

"Rebecca, is that you?" The voice asked.

Rebecca froze up. Crap.. Should I run or turn around? But, they didn't get to make that decision because the owner of the voice came over and stood in front of Rebecca.

"Oh my- it is! I haven't seen you in so long, how have you been?" Jessica asked, giving Rebecca a smile.

Rebecca became puzzled. "Uh- I've been.. Good? What are- uh - what are you doing here?"

"Oh, you didn't know I went to Stanford?"

"Uh- no- don't really keep up with anyone from high school."

"Oh right- I wanted to apologize for what I said back then by the way."

"It's fine.. I guess."

"Uh- Jess, we should get going." The man she was with stated, glancing at Rebecca before looking back at the blonde. As the man made eye contact with the brown eyed girl, they felt a more heightened tingling sensation on their shoulder. Now that he came into Rebecca's view I realized he was extremely tall - like he was a giraffe of a man.

"Oh, right. Just go wait for me outside, I'll be there in a moment." Jessica responded.

Giraffe man seemed hesitant but nodded and exited the party.

"Here, put your number in." Jessica said as she pulled out her phone.

Rebecca took it and punched their number in before handing it back. Jessica said goodbye to Rebecca and left.

"Oo~ did my best friend just make new friends~" Laura said from behind Rebecca. Without thinking Rebecca turned around and slapped Laura.

"Ow!" Laura whined, touching her cheek with a pout.

Rebecca huffed. "Seriously Laura? You know you can't sneak up on me like that."

"Well sorry that I didn't wanna interrupt your conversation."

After that conversation, the two just went on partying. 

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