First day of class

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Kuroko pov :

Just when I finish unpacking, I have to go to class. When I entered the  classroom like the teacher instructed me to, everyone except the kiseki no sedai didn't notice me til I sighed. Everyone except the kiseki no sedai face was so pale its as though they just saw a ghost. I thought this reaction It never gets old. After I introduce myself, I was told to sit beside Kise but then I don't know who he is since only one of them introduce themselves. Then the teacher said kise is the blonde hair guy. Then I said okay and went to my sit. When class was over and it was recess I ran upstairs to the roof, since I was the only one there currently I sang a song. Then suddenly the door open, the kiseki no sedai came in and said wow you sing great as well what a beautiful voice you have almost like a girl. I was like ah oh hope they didn't notice I am a girl, luckily I never say out loud.

Akashi pov :

Kuroko seems to be hiding something from us and I'm gonna find out about it.  What could it be perhaps he is actually a girl no wait I can't just jump into conclusion.

~the bell rang~

Well let's head back to class, the period right now is music afterall we can't afford to be late.

Kuroko pov :

I can't believe that my music teacher is my aunt, Nana. Nana sensei then called me out to talk to me privately outside.

Nana pov:

Why are you in the boys division. Kuroko replied:" mother told me to" After hearing this few words,  I wanted to scold my sister but what's done is done then I said to kuroko, I'll help you with this situation.  First let's go back into class. I told the class,
today's lesson will be singing so as the next few weeks. So I called out the kiseki no sedai but then they said ask kuroko to sing with us, I told them alright because I have no choice, I am frightened of what akashi might do.  They started singing just be friends.  After they finish singing, the whole class was clapping despite having mistakes. After a few more performance, music lesson was over for today.  I was worried of kuroko so I told her to come to my office after school.
~after a couple of hours later~

Kuroko entered my office and I told her I will try my best to make necessary arrangements like giving you a private place to change for physical activity, try your best not to get caught okay. she said okay and went back to the dorm.

Kuroko pov:
I just hope that no one would find out.

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