I. Surprises? No thank you.

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Chapter I: Surprises? No thank you

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Chapter I: Surprises? No thank you.

It is very very (and I would have added another very if not for such a crucial time I was in right now) annoying that people, especially women, find surprises as an event, to add thrill in their life. It gets me to serious thinking that how a surprise as in an event unsure of happening can ever bring a lively hit to a boring life.

Surprises are overrated these days because it is not the effort which counts but the hashtag which goes before the word itself that makes it even more wanted.

Imagine being in your nice steady life, you have everything planned, scheduled and noted. You know when to be happy, you know when to be depressed, you know when to walk out of the annoying classroom where teachers just get on your nerves, you know exactly when that favorite bookstore opens so you can sneak a peek, and you know when to breathe or let out a fart.

You know stuff and you want it to be known.

How in the world can one live with surprises, especially the ones deliberately planned for you so you're happy?

I am happy where I am, thank you very much. Never been a fan of surprises since the fifth grade and don't intend to be happy with one now.

So, it wouldn't come as a blow to people who survive with me to know that I do not like surprises and did not want one on my twenty first birthday; which as a matter of fact was well planned by me. It was attend class, read another book and sleep in the hell hole people here called as a home, as a paying guest.

It was accordingly lived too, my parents did not surprise me with a call or a wish, my boyfriend did not force a surprise birthday celebration on me like last year, my roommate did not surprise me by being polite or inquire about my whereabouts or my name as a matter of fact and there was nothing but immense pleasure in how I spent that day.

It didn't end well, who was I kidding? It did not end at all. That night was and is so vivid in my memory, because I clearly remember wearing earplugs because my roommate, the pain in my ass, as always had a little party in her room with loud blasting music. It was no surprise though; she was such a spoilt rich brat that she sound proofed her room but wouldn't reduce the noise.

A fail obviously because she got few workers to get the work done but they cheated on her and let's just say there was a big flush of money gone to the drains and she couldn't care less. Anyway, so because of that noise which was not unusual now, I did not hear someone ring the bell and definitely did not see what they had dropped in as their little welcome present.

No, it wasn't a bouquet of flowers which I swear is so cheesy, not a basket of chocolates because I hate them and definitely not my boyfriend, cheekily dropping in without informing me first.

When I was opened the door to lock the safety door, the most random thing walked in my house. It was a bit shaky and a lot scary since the house lights were dimmed and my coffee was brewing on my study shelf. My roommate was either drunk or dead because the music was still on and she hadn't greeted me with her remarks since hours now. I really do pray it is not the latter because the police would not let me go off the hook so easily.

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