Chapter 1

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Hi everyone, I started this one because I've recently became obessed with Pretty Little Liars. This story has been in my head for a month now and that's why I've had such trouble trying to write my other Jenndrea story. Hopefully getting this out of my head and onto an actually story I'll be able to move on with the other and this one without any problems. Enjoy, leave some ideas for future chapters for this story or my other own, it would help me when I can't think. Hope you like this one. :) Have a great day! -AAC

The blaring of the alarm came way to soon. I flipped over, looked at the time, and sighed. Five a.m. I finally fell asleep at two. She has haunted my thoughts for years. Countless sleepless nights. So many confusing dreams. My English grade has tanked because I can't concentrate. She sits there so effortlessly, the most beautiful human I've ever seen. I slowly drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom.

I finally get to school and I see her. I'm staring, trying to figure out how one human can be so flawless. I'm so entranced I don't even noticed I basically mowed down this girl. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Really? I thought I was the one who ran into you. I was spaced out."

"So we are both at fault?"

"I suppose." She chuckled.

"I'm Spencer." I extend my hand out to pull her off the floor.

"I'm Jenn." She takes my hand.

"So what had you so spaced out?" I ask as we walk to the front of the school.

"Ummm... Something that has occupied my thoughts for years." She fixes her gaze from her shoes to look at me.

"Same here." I respond and look down.

"Maybe we need to get rid of them before we create a tragedy." Jenn giggles.

I smile. "If only it were that simple."

"For real. Well this is my class."

"Oh, Chem, with Mr. Sherman. I had him last year how's that going for you?"

"He's alright, all we ever do is take notes."

"Yep, that's Mr. Sherman for you. He hated my friends and I last year we never shut up."

"Yeah, I don't really have friends in this class of at all really. People annoy me."

"I feel the same way, I just walk around the school at lunch."

"You should come eat with me, I eat alone anyway."

"Maybe I will, but I have to get to class. See you at lunch?"

"Yepp." Jenn smiles and walks into her classroom.

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