Chapter 4

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We climbed down from the tree and started walking back to Aria's. "I'm really sorry I just left you in the dust. But did I really cause you that much pain for you to want to take your life?"

"There was other things happening on top of that and your leaving is a bit more complicated than just loosing a friend."

Aria looked down at her feet in thought for a good couple of blocks. "It wasn't easy to just drop you like that."

"Then why did you?"

"This is hard for me to tell you, because I would like for us to be friends again, but this might make you not want to talk to me. But, Spencer I--" Aria was cut off by my phone blowing up. As I was about to reply Ricky called me.

"Hey Ricky."

"Spencer where are you, did you find Aria? You've been gone for an hour. Jenn, Andrea, and I have been worried sick."

"We are on our way back, yeah I found her. We've been talking. You kind of interupted our conversation. We'll be home in like five minutes."

"Okay. You worried me!"

"I know I'm sorry we were out of cell range. Bye Ricky." I hang up, smile, and look at Aria. "So you were saying?"

"Uh... I don't remember. Come on we need to get home." She turns and starts walking away.

"Why won't you tell me?" I ask as I run to catch up with her.

"There's nothing to tell."

"Come on seriously? You were like on the verge of crying back there. It's obviously something very important, or else it wouldn't have gotten you so worked up. Is it something I did? Did I do something to push you away?"

"No, Spence, you didn't do anything, theres nothing you could do to push me away. I'm not ready to tell you this. So can we drop it?"

I stare at her for a minute, "Fine, whatever your heart desires."

"Thank you," She says as she shivers.

"Are you cold here take my jacket." I say and hand her my jacket.

"No, then you'll be cold."

"Put it on or I'll just carry it and we'll both be cold because you won't take my jacket."

"Why do you always do that?" She asks as she takes my jacket.

"Do what?"

"Put everyone else and everyone else's needs before your own?"

"It's just who I am." I smile.

"I don't know how you turned out so amazing with the family you have." I blush and smile.

"Spencer! What the hell? We were worried sick!" Ricky runs over to us. "And you what the hell, Spencer has a break down and you just run off?"

"Ricky it's fine!" I say, "We talked. We're good now. Right?"

"Yep and sorry for scaring you Ricky."

"He wasn't the only one worried." Andrea pipes in. I just roll my eyes, she always has to say something.

"Yeah Spencer, you are my ride home!" Jenn laughs.

"Fine, let's go Jenn!" I chuckle and walk to my car.

"See you tomorrow?" Aria asks. I walk over to her and give her a big hug.

"Yep, see you tomorrow."

"It's good to see you two make amends."

"Yeah, what about you and Andrea? You two had an hour alone."

"I just sat and listened to her talk about her boyfriend the whole time. She asked me if I had my eye on anyone, and I decided that tell her that I'm in love with her wasn't a good idea at the moment so I just said no one. Then she just kept rambling about Kian so I tuned her out after about five minutes."

"Sorry, I just had to make sure she was okay."

"No need to apolgize I would've done the same. Oh by the way Andrea invited us to Noel's party tomorrow."

"Do you want to?"

"It beats sitting at home on a Friday night."

"So it's settled, we are going."

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