Chapter 5

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Jenn and I are currently trying to find Andrea and Aria in the crowd. We've been at Noel's for thirty minutes already. Jenn and I got separated. I was looking around to find her when I ran into some smaller body. Great again, I should really pay attention to where I walk. "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention."
I hear them chuckle, "It's okay Spence."
"Aria? I've been looking for you and now I'm looking for Jenn We got split up looking for you and Andrea.
"Well you found me. And it looks like Jenn has found who she really was looking for." Aria points to Jenn and Andrea who are laughing and talking in the corner. "Here, looks like you need this."
Aria puts a cup in my hands. "What's in this?"
"Vodka and Sprite." I just stare at the cup. "Come on Spence, hurry we are going to go dance."
"Aria you know I can't dance."
"I'll show you."
I gulp down the drink as aria pulls me by my hand to what I'm assuming is the dancing area.

We had been dancing, well aria has been dancing, I was just moving my feet from left to right. We had been here for thirty minutes when I told aria I was going to go get another drink. I just got my drink when Aria handed me a shot. "Come on Spence, let's do this one together."


"3,2,1!" We downed the shots. "Hey, I think they have a photo booth." Before I could protest Aria dragged me into it. "Alright first one is a nice one, the second crazy face, then the last two whatever we feel like. Got it?" I just nodded. "Spence, you have very pretty eyes."

I gulp. "Umm... it's this button right?" I click the button and watch the screen. The first two went without a hitch. Then the third one Aria just kept this intense stare on me. "What's on my face?" I ask slightly joking. Instead of answering me Aria leans in and connects our lips. It stunned me for a second, but instead of over thinking it in true Hasting's fashion, I just went with it and kissed back. When I pulled away and saw the terrified look on Aria's face I ran out of the booth and out to my car. Realizing driving after a couple drinks was a bad idea I just ran to the tree by the cliff.

"Spencer?" I here Aria's small nervous voice break through the darkness.


"Why did I kiss you?"

"Yeah, you don't understand how bad that messes with my brain and to know you only did it because you are intoxicated." I trail off, I'm not ready to admit anything right now.

"What? What does that mean?"

"I don't want to get into this right now."

"Fine I'll respect that. But, Spencer I love you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, love you too best friend." I said not wanting to hear the we were such great friends speech. That's the last thing I wanted to hear right now. I just wanted to be alone.

"No! Spencer, I love you!"

"Look I don't want to hear the we were such great friends and I missed you shit right now! You fuck with my head immensely Aria!"

"Spencer! I'm in love with you! I didn't kiss you because I had been drinking! I kissed you because I love you, and I have been forever now. That's why I distanced myself. These feelings scared me and I figured I would loose you if I told you so I did it for you. I understand if you don't want to be around me. I've just made things awkward. And I'm sorry for pushing you away, I can only imagine the shit I put you through. I'm sor--"

"Aria shut up!"

"Excuse me?"

"Shut up! Aria you don't know how dreams I've had and how much I hoped for you to say you are in love with me. Want to know why?" She just nodded. "Because I'm helplessly in love with you and have been since the day I met you. So shut up and kiss me." She pushed me into the tree and kissed me. Her hands had made their way to the back of my head and neck. I could tell neither one of us were planning on stopping this til we ran out of air. After a few little kisses Aria had slid her tongue across my bottom lip I complied happily. We were fighting for dominance, but when I noticed Aria wasn't going to give up I let her win. But she wasn't going to have all the control. She gasped a little at the swift movement of me spinning us around so she was the one on the tree. I had her hands pinned next to her head. I pressed my body to hers. I could feel her heart beating at an alarming rate. We both were breathing heavily at the intensity of the kissed we just shared.

"Umm, Spencer can I have my hands back?"

"Oh, sorry." I let go of her hands.

"So, where does this leave us?"

"I don't know where do you want it to leave us?"

"With me in your arms forever."

I couldn't contain the dumb ass grin that spread across my face. "As you wish." I say and put my arm around her. "Well, if you'd do me the honor. Want to go on a date tomorrow?"

"I'd love to." Aria smiled up at me. "I think we should go make sure Andrea and Jenn are okay."

"You are correct." We smiled and held hands the whole way back to Noel's. This couldn't be anymore perfect.

-- Hey! :) updating is slow yes I know, I still plan on continuing this story along with my other one. I hope you all are enjoying this one as much as I enjoy writing it. Also if you haven't red my update of the other story same thing applies here, if you have an idea for a topic/element/story line you think could be incorporated into this story by all means post it in the comments, it would help me a great deal if I can't think of a topic. Have a wonderful day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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