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Forks, the town where everyone knows who everyone is, where they are from and why. Although moving away from your childhood home, your school and all of your friends is fun, we didn't have a choice, our somewhat normal family needed to move for our safety.

You see we aren't your normal humans, though it isn't too difficult to figure out, we still try not to attract too much attention to ourselves and stay in the shadows.

My mother is a lovely woman, usually calm and collected..usually, rarely getting in a fuss. My father, however, isn't as chill as mom.

He is very overprotective of me and my sister, us being his only daughters don't help. He doesn't want his darlings to get hurt. But he doesn't understand the world we are in. we are all bound to get hurt, physically, and emotionally, no one is ever safe forever...

YN- Your name

MN- Mothers name

DN- Dads name

SN- sisters name (unless I get suggestions) your sister is around 14-15-ish in age

Cold and Dark - (Twilight wolf pack x reader)Where stories live. Discover now