Chapter Five

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I've risen.
We got in the car and headed home after the eventful day, the sun set a while ago, I was so ready to go home and so was S/N. We pulled into our driveway, getting out with our stuff and walking through the door being met by our parents, our concerned parents.

"What happened?? Are you guys alright??" Our mother asked, she pulled us into a hug, our heads being kissed aggressively in her concerned manner. "we're fine, we didn't get hurt or anything dont worry" I said.

Our father walks over to us, concerned as well but doesn't show it as much as mom, "I'm glad nobody got hurt, 'cause if you guys got hurt, I couldn't guarantee anybody else's safety" Dad said. I roll my eyes and smile "yeah yeah, you'd be in too much of a crying mess" I tease.

Dad rolls his eyes right back at me, our mother interrupts our teasing while pushing us to the dinner table "well dinners ready, so come eat" we sit down in our normal circle order and start eating, I chow down everything on my plate before even realizing it, I didn't realize how hungry I was.

"So how was your first day?" My mom asks, internally questioning if I'm even breathing while I eat.

My sister perks up, dying to tell her first day story "my first day was great! Other than almost dying.. but today in first period so many people talked to me and became my friend!"

My mother smiles proudly. "That's fantastic honey! I'm glad you were able to find friends fast" She then looks at me

"And you Y/N? How was your first day?"
My father looks up while eating, also curious about how my first day went

I shrug "I mean it was pretty alright, I will say there's a group of vamps at our school, but they didn't seem to have a big problem with us"

My dad freezes and looks up at me as I finish my sentence, talking with his mouth full
"There's vampires?? In these woods?? I knew you smelled weird"

Our mom hits his arm gently "Don't tell our daughter she smells weird..and don't talk with your mouth open" she gives a sassy look to our dad, as he returns it with a teasing, food filled smile. All of us groan at his gross remark.

My mother perks up with conversation again
"So Y/N...did you meet any boys..?" She looks hopeful

My eyes go wide for a moment, remembering the wolf in the woods that has been in the back of my mind all day, I cough ", no boys"

She squints her eyes suspiciously "....hmm.. any..girls?" I groan as she asks.

"No mom!" I hide my face behind my hands. "It's okay if you find a girl cute! Even I swung that way when I was younger, it's okay to experiment"

My dad looks over at her, an eyebrow raised "you what?" He asks. "Don't worry about it. But I saw that look Y/N. You did meet someone but you didn't wanna say anything, I get it."

My dad pauses and he finishes chewing what's in his mouth before he looks over at me, straight into my eyes. Fuck, he ALWAYS knows when I'm lying. Should I tell him or tough it out and act like nothing happened? I stare back into his eyes as I try to keep my composure, he would flip if he knew.

S/N tunes back in and sees our staring contest, then talks to our mom. "Who do you think is gonna win?" My mom thinks as she watches us.

"I don't know, your sisters gotten to that age where she can hide stuff easier, we'll have to see where it goes. Let's clean up while they work it out"

Our eyes stay connected as we basically read each other, I try to keep a straight face as my sister and mom get up and start cleaning after themselves

"You're really not gonna tell me huh? Am I going to have to force it out of you?" He asks.
I shake my head "I have nothing to hide"

Against my will, I start to break, I need to practice staring at a wall this is getting pathetic. My eye twitches as my dad slams his hand on the table

"AHA! You have something! Did you imprint?? Who was it?" He starts bombarding with questions

My mom freezes and goes back to the table
"Wait what?? You imprinted!? When??"

I sigh and take my plate to the kitchen while groaning, but internally freaking out

"It happened last night..when I went out to get herbs"

My parents look confused, my mom speaks "what boy is out that late at night in the woods? Unless.."

My dads eyes widen as my mom covers her mouth in shock, my dad speaks "you imprinted on one of the Uley boys..?"

I sigh and sit back down, almost disappointed in myself "yeah..I did"

After a brief pause my mom bursts into grateful laughter, me and my dad look at her confused

"This is great!! They're used to weird! We don't have to go through the awkward stage of telling them who we truly are!" She says smiling.

I shrug while thinking about it "yeah I guess, but I feel like two shifters from different packs might lead to territorial problems"

My dad speaks out "I don't quite know how it would go, I obviously didn't have to deal with that with your mother"

My sister sits at the table looking very confused "I hope I don't get the wolf genesis, imprinting is weird!!"
Me and my father laugh, nodding "it can get weird" I say

"It may be weird, but don't think about it as your imprint being your lover, an imprint can be anything you need them to be, your sibling, your best friend, or a lover, they're just there for you whenever you need them." My dad says as he talks to my sister, but makes sure he pushes the memo to me.
I go into thought as he talks to my sister. I need to find out who this boy is.

I love coming back to abandoned fanfic, sorry I was dead. <333

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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