Chapter Four

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not me accidentally naming it chapter five

We drive down the empty road, heading towards the town, I look into the woods and remember the events of last night, remembering that they weren't a dream. I was in my head as we pull into the parking lot, full of students definitely different from yesterday, where it was almost completely empty.

We got looks from many students as we pulled in, some excited for new students and some not really giving a shit. I finally found a parking spot in the corner, I stopped the car and grabbed the keys, looking over at s/n and smiling at her "come gonna be late!" She said as she got out of the car.

I opened my door, grabbed my bag and followed her out, going to her side and put a protective arm around her shoulders as I walked on her left, I looked at the students around us, most of them looking at us but I just kept a straight face and looked ahead, looking at the exterior of the school

As we were getting close to the entrance I smelt and odd scent, looking to my right I see a group of all white, pale vampires, staring at me, they could probably tell what I was. I don't blame them, vampires and wolves never got along, but our tribe never really got involved with vampires. I stopped staring and looked ahead, going inside and going to the office with s/n, taking my arm off her shoulder when we got in there.

We got out schedules and a map, it's around 10 minutes before school starts, we find our lockers, conveniently close to each other's, we set our lockers up the way we want. Then we go over our schedules with each other, memorizing ours and each other's.

5 minutes pass and we get ready to head out separate ways to different ends of the school. Before we part I stop s/n, "if you need me, just call me alright? I'll be there as soon as possible" I say. "I'll be fine, I'll be fine. Don't be stupid" she says in return. "How can I? Your taking all the stupid with you" I say, laughing slightly as she rolls her eyes and goes on her way

We head towards out classes, I head to English, first class of the day, shouldn't be to bad I think I'm alright at English. When I find the class there about two minutes to spare, I look around who's in class already, I notice one of the pale guys that was in the vampire group was in the class, he has blonde hair and a never ending glare, worse than me. Kind of creepy.

I ignore him and go to the teacher, introduce myself to them and find my seat.

Time skip to lunch

Me and s/n don't have any classes together except for lunch, why? I have no clue, we are in separate grades but I guess that's how this school goes. We meet up at my locker and head to lunch, my arm returning around her shoulders. "So how was the first half of the day for you?" I ask looking at her as I hold a map of the school "it was alright, I've made a couple friends, everyone seems nice, anything interesting happen with you? You didn't kill anyone right?" She asked.

I laugh, "no dad I didn't kill anyone, it was pretty boring, I already knew some of the stuff and no one really talked to me unless it was to ask where I was from or what my name was, none of them were really friends" I say. "It will get better, it's only the first day"

We reach the cafeteria, it's pretty big, full of students staring and gossiping. We find our way to the line, I look around, not finding the pale group, they probably don't eat lunch here, they don't exactly eat. We finally get our food and find an empty table.

We sit a little farther from each other so we can see each other. "How good do you reckon this school food is?" I ask her as I pick up a fry. "I mean it looks normal, something you would get at fast food, I hope it's good" she takes a bite, and nods at what she said. I take the fry into my mouth and nod quite impressed, it is pretty good.

After a while of me chowing down the pale group walk in, I'm facing the door so I get a pretty good look at them, a lot of people are staring, they must be like royalty, they even have their own reserved table. First walks in a blonde girl with a buff dude with dark hair. Then a pixie looking girl and the creepy guy from first period, and lastly another guy who seems to walk in alone.

They all look at me before getting in line,which confuses me why they are getting food, acknowledging my presence in the room, and then sitting. I try not to look at them as s/n talks to me about the guy who threw pencils at their teacher in her second period. I look back at them and see the lonely guy looking at me, looking at another table as I catch his eye, looking at what looks like a brunette girl who keeps looking back. Maybe he's not lonely after all.

Lunch ends as we throw out trash away, heading back to class.

Time skip

The last bell of the day rings and I meet s/n In the hall, we walk out and I walk next to her to the car, glancing at the pale group once again before not looking back, s/n catches my glance at them and notices them staring "have you made enemies already? Really? Come on y/n it's the first day, give them some slack before you torture them" she says. "Oh hush,I haven't made any enemies today, they just like staring, people watching, it's what everyone does here, it's getting annoying all the eyeballs on me and you"

We get close to the car as I keep walking, s/n accidentally bumps into someone, knocking her open bag to the ground, spilling the contents to it,I keep walking until I realize she's not beside me, I look back and see the brunette girl helping her, crouching on the ground picking up her things, I go to wait by the car before I see a van loosing control, heading towards the two.

I drop my bag and race to them sliding on my knees in front of them and hugging them both to me, putting my back to the van so I take the hit, closing my eyes waiting for impact, before a gush of wind and the sound of a car denting hits my ears, no force of a van. I look up and see hazel eyes of the lonely pale guy at lunch, his hand on the van, a dent in it, I didn't realize how strong those guys are. I let go of the brunette girl, and hold onto s/n as she clings to me.

Me and the guy keep eye contact until I look down at s/n and try to calm her down. The boy from the van gets out and apologizes over a thousand times before I hear sirens of police and ambulance. I got up with s/n, helping her grab her stuff before walking her to the car, before getting stopped by a cop, telling me we should get to the hospital.

I refuse, saying we are fine but he insist on getting us checked out and takes us in his cop car, we get to the hospital and me and s/n sit on beds next to each other, the brunette on the bed next to mine. I text our parents and tell them we will be late, before the doctor comes in, another pale guy with hazel eyes, are they everywhere? "I heard the chiefs daughter was here," he looks at all of us as he walks to the nurse with the clipboard. "I'm Dr. Cullen." He checks The brunette girl and talks with the chief, before coming to us. "Alright, are there any external injuries?" He asks, "I just scraped my knees but I'll be fine" I say, wanting to go home. "I can tell you seem very strong, and you? Anything wrong?" He says to s/n while pointing a flashlight in her eyes. "No,I'm okay,just a little shaken."

"Well you two should head home, rest and take care of those knees properly" he says, "will do doc." I reply and walk out with s/n. The chief gives us a ride back to school to get our car, taking his daughter with him, as we satin the back.

"So.. are you guys new in town,I've  never seen you before?" The chief asks. "Uh, yeah we are. My names y/n and this is s/n." He looks in the rear view mirror at us, "well I'm chief swan, this is my daughter, Bella, you guys go to school together right?" She asks looking at Bella

"Yeah.. I've seen them around before" she answers. We get to the school and thank the chief before going to our car, getting stopped by Bella. "Hey... uhm.. thanks for trying to save me, I appreciate it." She says sincerely

"No problem"I answer as s/n waves to her, the gets in the car as I follow,starting the car and heading home.

By the way, the beginning is gonna be slightly out of order according to the actual story, my brain couldn't think of anything else

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