Chapter Two

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We pulled into the driveway as we finished our little adventure, SN gets off first and takes off her helmet, holding it with a smile as she looks at me with her big bright eyes "Thank you YN! It was really fun!" she said as she goes to open the garage door. I lead the motorcycle into the garage and place the peg sand down and get off, taking my helmet off and putting it on the side shelf

I walk out of the garage with a fond smile on my face as SN rushes up next to me "No problem dork, anything for you" I say as I wrap my arm around her shoulders as she leans into my warm stance

We walk back inside and are greeted with the lovely smell of dinner, going to the table and sitting down with our parents

"Find anything interesting while you were gone? Maybe any boys that caught your eye?" My mother asks, wiggling her eyebrows as she takes a bite. "We found a couple of diners and a movie theatre, it's not too big of a place and no mom.. No boys," I responded

Mother gave a disappointed look and looked down at her plate as dad looked slightly relieved

"YN let us ride on her motorcycle and it was really cool going through the forests!" SN said jumping into the conversation

'Anything..unusual out there?" your father asks, you know he was talking about any other supernatural beings, more specifically wolves.

"Yeah I actually saw some wolves in the forest, only a couple, they might of been in the Uley pack mom was talking about," I tell him.

He nods with his mouth full as we all finish up, me and dad help pick up the table as mom and SN wash them. We had a little system, it wasn't much but it was enough for our little chaotic family.

Once we finish we all go our separate ways before our mother calls up to us

"Girls! I'm cleansing the house down here, if you couldn't mind could you do your rooms for me please?"  we both respond with a quick 'yeah' through our doors. I go to my little case with my herbs in it I quickly look through it, looking for my bundle of herbs used just for cleansing, before realizing I had used up the rest of it and had run low on the rest of my herbs.

My family and I all have our own stash of herbs, and we don't share. It's kind of like a privacy thing, we all use our own kind of herbs to cleanse our own areas, and it was also just all out easier to have our own.

I grabbed my Athame, a small knife used to collect herbs, a pouch that buckles to my belt, and i put on some shoes. I walk out of my room and down the stairs, going towards the back door.

"I'm going out to get some more herbs, I'm running low," I said as I opened the door, standing in the doorway.

"Okay darling, be careful," she says

"Always am" I walk out the door, closing it behind me as I go to the edge of the tree line. The sun was setting by now, still enough daylight to see where you're going through the thick trees. I go deeper into the woods, stopping by bushes every once in a while to gather what I need. My main goal was to find Thyme and Lavender.

After a while of searching, and keeping a careful eye out, I finally found some lavender flowers, I crouch down lowly to gather them without crushing them before a scent flows through the wind that I know far too well, wolves.

I didn't think I had gone that far out, but I'm guessing I lost track of time, seeing as it had gotten darker since I was last paying attention. I gather the lavender before standing up, putting my guard up, enhancing my senses as I listened closely.

There was a light sound of paws hitting the ground, they were getting closer, it sounded like only one wolf. I could tell when they smelled my scent by the quickening of their pace. I put my Athame away, as I put my guard up, contemplating whether or not I should run or stay.

My decision was chosen for me as a large grey wolf with a white lining around its eyes and snout appear beside me, obviously, a shapeshifter by the size comes through the bushes, growling and in a stance to attack.

I turn quickly to see it walk towards me slowly, it slowly walks into a ray of light as I see their eyes, their gorgeous deep brown eyes gaze into mine as I suddenly go slack, visions cloud my sight as I see photo-like visions cross my eyes, it's of me when I'm older, standing with a tall tan boy, me in his arms as we sit around a fire.

Then me and the same boy side by side in wolf form, then it shows our wedding, I'm dressed in white as my family members are around me, smiles grace their face.

The vision was over as soon as it started and I look back into the gorgeous eyes that I never want to look away from, the eyes that keep me grounded to this earth. When I look back at them it seems the wolf has the same face, did we just imprint on each other? Is that possible?

When he snaps out of his trance, he stands up taller, no longer in an attacking stance. He looks into my eyes, he goes to move closer to me, wanting to touch me more than he has ever wanted to touch someone, before a howl emits through the air, he looks towards where the howl came from, then looking back at me, he whines, not wanting to leave quite yet. He moves forward and nuzzles my hip, a smile graces my face as I pet his head. He looks into my eyes once more as a goodbye before reluctantly running towards the howl's destination. I watch as he turns and runs, a look of amazement on my face as I turn around and start heading home. I eventually end up on my back doorstep, thinking about what just happened before I come to a halt. I don't know who my Imprint is or where he went. Oh my god, I just imprinted.... What do I tell dad?

Cold and Dark - (Twilight wolf pack x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt