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"Alright class!" Ms. Hooter said. "Today we're playing a board game to get to know each other better!"
I was excited. Every day, Ms. Hooter, an owl, and Mr. Whitty, a bomb-headed man, had something for us to do. We always had a new world to go to. It could be McDonalds, Camping, or anywhere! We could even play Hangman!
"I love those!" I exclaimed. "I haven't seen one in a long time!"
"It's just a board game." Said Atomii, the white cat with a red hat. "They're usually boring."
"But I wanna see if we know each other!"
Pasha, one of my best friends, stepped into the room.
"Pasha! There you are!"
"Sounds like we're playing a board game today." Pasha restated what we all were saying. "Sounds cool!"
"Not as cool as Among Us!" Atomii protested.
"Oh come on Atomii," Berry, the rabbit in a robot suit, responded to him, "we're doing something  different for once and you just want to play among us? We've been doing that for a long time!"
"Says the guy who likes Murder 4."
"Alright, alright, calm down class. We're going to teleport in a few seconds, so get something to eat.
Ms. Hooter made the entire cabin we live in all by herself. She didn't forget to make us food, though!
I went over to the kitchen fridge and got a waffle, one of my favorite foods. I ate the waffle in two bites. It's so weird that you have to shove it into your face to eat it.
"Hey Blacky, wanna see me eat three of these pancakes?" Pasha asked while walking towards the fridge.
If you're something why I'm named Blacky, it's because I'm named after Ms. Hooter's favorite blanket. Ms. Hooter named all of us.
"I don't know, can you really eat that many?" I responded with a question.
"Can you?" Pasha asked me.
"Yeah but I'm not going to."
"Oh come on, you're just-"
"Pasha, Blacky, we're going." Mr. Whitty came through the door and interrupted us.
"Okay Mr. Whitty!" Both of us said.
Pasha grabbed a pancake and ate it quickly, then we both joined the group, who were going to teleport to the board game.

We all were at the board game place. The board game was bigger than I thought it was!
The coolest part was, we were all in the sky. We could fall off the wooden platform, but it'll just take me back to the start. I know that.
"Everyone pick your pieces! We're doing variety questions 1!"
As she said that, Ms. Hooter picked out an orange piece. It looked like some sort of chess piece, but I forgot which one.
"I call white." Said Atomii, who was already bored.
Sarvonyx, a girl made of ice cream who couldn't talk, grabbed a pink piece. I took my black piece right after her.
"Coming through." Said a voice.
This guy was Invisible Man. As his name says, he's invisible.
"Hey, could I have that piece?" The invisible man asked me.
"Uhh, sorry, no, but you could have the green one."
"Ah." He said, and took the green one instead.
"Alright, who's going first?" Ms. Hooter asked.

We were playing the board game when it was Mr. Whitty's turn.
"So, what's my favorite costume here? Well, the answer to that is-"
Suddenly, he fell to the floor.
"Oh my gosh! Whitty?" Ms. Hooter was scared.
"Why do you call him Whitty?" Asked Berry.
"Because he lets me, now someone search for something we can-"
Mr. Whitty stood up again, but this time, he looked confused.
"Oh no, not again..."
His eyes changed. The white parts of his eyes changed into different shapes. This wasn't Mr. Whitty anymore. It felt like someone else. 
Whitty walked over to Ms. Hooter and backed her into a wall.
"Wh-what? What about me?"
"Ms Hooter, what's happening?" I asked her.
"I don't know! He always does this! He might have some sort of disorder or something!"
Mr. Whitty tried to grab Ms. Hooter, but she ran away.
"But why is he mad at you?"
"Because I always lock him in a closet whenever he does this! It was to keep you all safe! Now someone hit him with a dice or something! Don't worry, it won't hurt him!"
Atomii was the one with a die, and was also the one to throw it at Mr. Whitty as hard as he could.
"Everyone knows I'm the best at throwing here." He said.
Whitty collapsed to the floor again.
"Is he going to be okay?" Berry ran over and asked.
"Yeah..." Ms. Hooter said. "...He'll be fine. Let's go back home."

The only ones in the house were me, Ms. Hooter, Mr. Whitty, and Sarvonyx.  Atomii went to go feed the ducks, that's all I know.
"Ms. Hooter, why do the toys at McDonald's change?"
"It's because they want to have more toys than just one. That'd be boring!"
"Oh. I thought they did it because they liked the newer toys better."
"And that, too."
Mr. Whitty woke up from the couch and yawned.
"Sorry about that, did I miss anything?"
"No, but Atomii went to feed the ducks." I told him.
"For the rest of the day," Ms. Hooter said, "I think everyone should get freetime. What do you think, Mr. Whitty?"
"Good idea. I think I need some free time. I'll be in the cooking game if you need me."
Whitty leaves the house. I sat on the couch and watched the fire.
"You know, Blacky, I think you might become the next teacher."
"Really?" I asked excitedly.
"Yeah! You ask so many questions and always want to find out 'who' or 'what'. That's what teachers do!"
"I thought they were supposed to bring you to a new place every day, Ms. Hooter."
"That, too!” She sat on the couch with me. “Learning's gotta stay fun somehow."
“But Ms. Hooter, what really is learning? All we do every day is play games!”
“Learning,” Ms. Hooter said calmly, “it's an experience. It’s knowing things you don’t already know. We learn every day, and some of us don’t even know we’re learning! Why I give you those games all the time is because you guys can learn where to go, or what to do, and, well, that’s learning!”
“So we learn from things we do?”
“Exactly! And you get better at them. Now I have to go clean the pillow room. Atomii, Sarv, and Invisible Man built a pillow fort this morning and didn’t clean it up.” She got off the couch and started walking to the stairs.
“Will Mr. Whitty be okay?”
“Whitty will be fine.”

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